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Alexandro Martinez
Alexandro Martinez

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Build a To-Do app - Part 1 - Vue3 app

In this tutorial, we'll use the SaasFrontends Vue3 codebase to build a basic To-Do app with Tasks, Routing, Model, and CRUD Components.

We'll create a simple CRUD app in a modular way.




  1. Run the client app
  2. Sidebar and Translations → Tasks sidebar icon
  3. Routing → /app/tasks
  4. The Task Model → DTO
  5. Task Services → API calls
  6. Tasks CRUD components → Tasks view, table and form

1. Run the client app

Open your terminal and navigate to the Client folder, and open it on VS Code:

cd src/NetcoreSaas.WebApi/ClientApp
code .
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Open the VS Code terminal, install dependencies and run the app:

yarn dev
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Navigate to localhost:3000:


Let's remove the top banner. Open the App.vue file and remove the following line:

  <div id="app">
-   <TopBanner />
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We'll work on a Sandbox environment, design first, implement later.

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Restart the app, and navigate to /app. It will redirect you to login, but since we are in a sandbox environment, you can type any email/password.

2. Sidebar Item and Translations

Our application is about tasks, so we'll remove everything related to Links, Contracts and Employees.

2.1. AppSidebar.ts

Open AppSidebar.ts file and remove the following sidebar items:

  • /app/links/all
  • /app/contracts/pending
  • /app/employees

and add the following /app/tasks sidebar item:


        path: "/app/dashboard",
        icon: SvgIcon.DASHBOARD,
        userRoles: [TenantUserRole.OWNER, TenantUserRole.ADMIN, TenantUserRole.MEMBER, TenantUserRole.GUEST],
+      {
+        title:"todo.tasks"),
+        path: "/app/tasks",
+        icon: SvgIcon.TASKS,
+        userRoles: [TenantUserRole.OWNER, TenantUserRole.ADMIN, TenantUserRole.MEMBER, TenantUserRole.GUEST],
+      },
-      {
-        path: "/app/links/all",
-        ...,
-      },
-      {
-        path: "/app/contracts/pending",
-        ...,
-      },
-      {
-        path: "/app/employees",
-        ...,
-      },
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You should get the following sidebar:

Initial Sidebar

Two issues here:

  1. We need a Tasks icon
  2. We need the todo.tasks translations

2.2. Sidebar icon

Open the SvgIcon.ts file and add a TASKS value.


export enum SvgIcon {
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Create the IconTasks.vue file in the existing folder src/components/layouts/icons.


  <!-- You'll paste the svg icon here -->
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Go to and find a decent tasks icon. I'm using this one.

Recolor the icon to white (#FFFFFF), click on Embed HTML and copy-paste the svg icon in your IconTasks.vue file.

If needed, replace all the style=" fill:#FFFFFF;" or style=" fill:#000000;" to fill="currentColor".

Now add your new icon component to SidebarIcon.vue:


   <IconEmployees :class="$attrs.class" v-else-if="icon === 14" />

+  <IconTasks :class="$attrs.class" v-else-if="icon === 15" />
<script setup lang="ts">
+  import IconTasks from './IconTasks.vue';
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Now our sidebar item has a custom icon:

Sidebar Icon

But we still need to translate todo.tasks.

2.3. Translations

Since we want our app to be built in a modular way, we will create a src/modules folder and add the first module we're creating: todo.

Inside, create a locale folder, and add the following files:

  • src/modules/todo/locale/en-US.json
  • src/modules/todo/locale/es-MX.json

Of course you can customize the languages and regions you will support.


+ {
+   "todo": {
+     "tasks": "Tasks"
+   }
+ }
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+ {
+   "todo": {
+     "tasks": "Tareas"
+   }
+ }
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Open the i18n.ts file and add our new todo translations:


import en from "./en-US.json";
import es from "./es-MX.json";
+ import enTodo from "../modules/todo/locale/en-US.json";
+ import esTodo from "../modules/todo/locale/es-MX.json";
  messages: {
-    en,
-    es,
+    en: {
+      ...en,
+      ...enTodo,
+    },
+    es: {
+      ...esTodo,
+    },
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You should see the todo.tasks translations both in english and spanish. You can test it by changing the app language in /app/settings/profile.

Sidebar Translations

3. Routing

If you click on Tasks, you will get a blank page, let's fix that.

3.1. Tasks view

Create a view called Tasks.vue where we will handle the /app/tasks route. Create the views folder inside src/modules/todo.



<script setup lang="ts">
import i18n from '@/locale/i18n';
import { useMeta } from 'vue-meta';
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Now we need to hook the view with the URL.

3.2. URL route → /app/tasks

Open the appRoutes.ts file, delete the Contracts and Employees routes, and set our Tasks.vue URL:


import { TenantUserRole } from "@/application/enums/core/tenants/TenantUserRole";
- ...
+ import Tasks from "@/modules/todo/views/Tasks.vue";

export default [
-  ...
+  {
+    path: "tasks", // -> /app/tasks
+    component: Tasks,
+    meta: {
+      roles: [TenantUserRole.OWNER, TenantUserRole.ADMIN, TenantUserRole.MEMBER],
+    },
+  },
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You'll get an empty app view with a meta title.

Tasks View

If you log out, and go to /app/tasks, it will ask you to log in first, and then redirect you to this view.

4. The Task Model

Our model will contain only 2 custom properties:

  • Name - Task description
  • Priority - Low, Medium or High

4.1. TaskPriority.ts enum

We can see that we need a TaskPriority enum. Place it inside the src/modules/todo/application/enums folder.


export enum TaskPriority {
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4.2. TaskDto.ts

Now create the following TaskDto.ts interface inside src/modules/todo/application/dtos/.


import { AppWorkspaceEntityDto } from "@/application/dtos/core/AppWorkspaceEntityDto";
import { TaskPriority } from "../enums/TaskPriority";

export interface TaskDto extends AppWorkspaceEntityDto {
  name: string;
  priority: TaskPriority;
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We're extending AppWorkspaceEntityDto, so each task will be on a certain Workspace.

4.3. Create and Update Contracts

When creating or updating a Task, we don't want to send the whole TaskDto object, instead we do it by sending specific requests.



import { TaskPriority } from "../enums/TaskPriority";

export interface CreateTaskRequest {
  name: string;
  priority: TaskPriority;
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import { TaskPriority } from "../enums/TaskPriority";

export interface UpdateTaskRequest {
  name: string;
  priority: TaskPriority;
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This gives us flexibility in the long run.

5. Task Services

We'll create the following files:

  1. ITaskService.ts - Interface
  2. FakeTaskService.ts - Fake API implementation (for sanbdox environment)
  3. TaskService.ts - Real API implementation (to call our .NET API)

5.1. ITaskService.ts

We need GET, PUT, POST and DELETE methods:


import { CreateTaskRequest } from "../application/contracts/CreateTaskRequest";
import { UpdateTaskRequest } from "../application/contracts/UpdateTaskRequest";
import { TaskDto } from "../application/dtos/TaskDto";

export interface ITaskService {
  getAll(): Promise<TaskDto[]>;
  get(id: string): Promise<TaskDto>;
  create(data: CreateTaskRequest): Promise<TaskDto>;
  update(id: string, data: UpdateTaskRequest): Promise<TaskDto>;
  delete(id: string): Promise<any>;
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5.2. TaskService.ts

This service will be called when we set our environment variable VITE_VUE_APP_SERVICE to api.

Create a TaskService.ts class that extends the ApiService class and implements the ITaskService interface.


import { ApiService } from "@/services/api/ApiService";
import { CreateTaskRequest } from "../application/contracts/CreateTaskRequest";
import { UpdateTaskRequest } from "../application/contracts/UpdateTaskRequest";
import { TaskDto } from "../application/dtos/TaskDto";
import { ITaskService } from "./ITaskService";

export class TaskService extends ApiService implements ITaskService {
  constructor() {
  getAll(): Promise<TaskDto[]> {
    return super.getAll("GetAll");
  get(id: string): Promise<TaskDto> {
    return super.get("Get", id);
  create(data: CreateTaskRequest): Promise<TaskDto> {
    return, "Create");
  update(id: string, data: UpdateTaskRequest): Promise<TaskDto> {
    return super.put(id, data, "Update");
  delete(id: string): Promise<any> {
    return super.delete(id);
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5.3. FakeTaskService.ts

This service will be called when we set our environment variable VITE_VUE_APP_SERVICE to sandbox.

Create a FakeTaskService.ts class that implements the ITaskService interface.

Here we want to return fake data, but also we want to simulate that we are calling a real API.


import { CreateTaskRequest } from "../application/contracts/CreateTaskRequest";
import { UpdateTaskRequest } from "../application/contracts/UpdateTaskRequest";
import { TaskDto } from "../application/dtos/TaskDto";
import { ITaskService } from "./ITaskService";

const tasks: TaskDto[] = [];
for (let index = 0; index < 3; index++) {
  const task: TaskDto = {
    id: (index + 1).toString(),
    createdAt: new Date(),
    name: `Task ${index + 1}`,
    priority: index,

export class FakeTaskService implements ITaskService {
  tasks = tasks;
  getAll(): Promise<TaskDto[]> {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, 500);
  get(id: string): Promise<TaskDto> {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        const task = this.tasks.find((f) => === id);
        if (task) {
      }, 500);
  create(data: CreateTaskRequest): Promise<TaskDto> {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        const id = this.tasks.length === 0 ? "1" : (this.tasks.length + 1).toString();
        const item: TaskDto = {
          priority: data.priority,
      }, 500);
  update(id: string, data: UpdateTaskRequest): Promise<TaskDto> {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        let task = this.tasks.find((f) => === id);
        if (task) {
          task = {
            priority: data.priority,
      }, 500);
  delete(id: string): Promise<any> {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        const task = this.tasks.find((f) => === id);
        if (!task) {
        } else {
          this.tasks = this.tasks.filter((f) => !== id);
      }, 500);
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5.4. Initializing the Task services

Add our interface as a property and initialize the implementations depending on the environment variable:


 class Services {
   employees: IEmployeeService;

+  tasks: ITaskService;
   constructor() {
     if (import.meta.env.VITE_VUE_APP_SERVICE === "sandbox") {
+      this.tasks = new FakeTaskService();
     } else {
+      this.tasks = new TaskService();
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5.5. GetAll

Open the Tasks.vue view and call the getAll method when the component mounts:


-   <div>Tasks</div>
+   <div>
+     <pre>{{ => }}</pre>
+   </div>

<script setup lang="ts">
+ import services from '@/services';
+ import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue';
+ import { TaskDto } from '../application/dtos/TaskDto';
+ const tasks = ref<TaskDto[]>([]);
+ onMounted(() => {
+   services.tasks.getAll().then((response) => {
+     tasks.value = response
+   })
+ })
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Task View Services

6. Tasks CRUD components

I redesigned the Tasks.vue view and created the following components:

  • src/modules/todo/components/TasksTable.vue - List all tasks
  • src/modules/todo/components/TaskForm.vue - Create, Edit, Delete
  • src/modules/todo/components/PrioritySelector.vue - Select task priority
  • src/modules/todo/components/PriorityBadge.vue - Color indicator

You can download them here

Restart the app and test CRUD operations.

7. All translations

Update your translations:


  "todo": {
    "tasks": "Tasks",
    "noTasks": "There are no tasks",
    "models": {
      "task": {
        "object": "Task",
        "name": "Name",
        "priority": "Priority"
    "priorities": {
      "LOW": "Low",
      "MEDIUM": "Medium",
      "HIGH": "High"
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  "todo": {
    "tasks": "Tareas",
    "noTasks": "No hay tareas",
    "models": {
      "task": {
        "object": "Tarea",
        "name": "Nombre",
        "priority": "Prioridad"
    "priorities": {
      "LOW": "Baja",
      "MEDIUM": "Media",
      "HIGH": "Alta"
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In part 2 we're going to implement the .NET backend.


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