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Alex Morton
Alex Morton

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Finishing Up Pure React and Musings on What's Next

This post was originally published on October 15, 2020 on my blog.

Thursday - gray and rainy, yay! Just some random thoughts of the day.

Since I'll be finishing up Pure React today (just the last project of the ebook), it's time to start thinking about the next online course I'll be wanting to take.

And I think I'd like to start working on CS50 on edX. Similar to Pure React, I've had a few false starts with CS50 - always starting it but never making it past the second week because of impatience or Shiny Object Syndrome, etc.

Now, fortunately, I've found my project and course rhythm and know I can truly stick to it and focus on its full completion (I've been working on this habit for a while now, and I'm happy to say it's now well-ingrained).

The other thing pulling me toward CS50 is that it has a component/introduction to Python, which I'm quite interested in learning soon.

So, again, today I'll be finishing up Pure React and also reviewing the useReducer function, since it could help me consolidate some of the code in my So You Think You Can France side project.

I also want to look into the React Router documentation to also implement that into the So You Think You Can France static blog portion of the app.

Is today the day I finally add So You Think You Can France to my portfolio? The world may soon find out.

P.S. Did you know I have a podcast with new episodes each Wednesday? Go listen right over here >>

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