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Alicia Johnson
Alicia Johnson

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React onClick Event Handling

In React, events can be treated very close to the way we do in HTML, such events are like clicking, changing, mouseover, etc. But the syntax of 'react events' is written in camelCase.

In React, the onClick handler lets you call a function and perform an action when you click on an item. OnClick is the staple of every React device.

For example: "onClick" instead of "onclick" and the function that this event will point to being written in curly braces, e.g. onClick={function}.

We'll just think about treating things with 'onClick' in this blog. The onClick handler lets you call a function and perform an action when you click on an item.

Create a new project using this command:
npm create-react-app reactOnClick

here, reactOnClick is the name of the project.

Now, go to the project directory and start it-

npm start
You should have your project started on the localhost.

React onClick event handling is pretty easier to understand and run.

Whenever after clicking a button, connect, or basically any item you need to perform an action, you can use the event handler onClick.

The onClick event handler is therefore one of the most efficient and most-used devices in the React tool belt.

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