Hi there,
In this post, I'm gonna talk about the function methods mentioned in the title. A lot of new JavaScript devs find them difficult to understand, so here I am!
Here's our object for example purposes:
const person = { name: "Aman" }
The function which we want to invoke as object method:
const intro = function(profession, country) {
return `${this.name} is a ${profession}, who lives in ${country}.`
call() is used to invoke a function as method, where first parameter refers to the "this" for the object, remaining parameters acts as regular function parameters.
console.log(intro.call(person, "Developer", "India"));
// Outputs: "Aman is a Developer, who lives in India."
apply() is similar to call(), only difference is the way function parameters are passed i.e. in an array, instead of comma-separated arguments.
console.log(intro.apply(person, ["Developer", "India"]));
// Outputs: "Aman is a Developer, who lives in India."
bind() is different compared to call() & apply(). When we pass the "this" of the object as argument, it returns a bound function which we can invoke later.
const boundIntro = intro.bind(person);
console.log(boundIntro("Developer", "India"));
// Outputs: "Aman is a Developer, who lives in India."
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