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Centos 7 Install Redis cache

When your project is growing you will need a proper cache, now there are several different options available in the market including services like Cloudflare, Akamai, and Imperva But if your project isn't that big and you don't want to pay or you want the cache to be stored on your infrastructure, therefore we have several options, but today we will have a look at Redis free solution.

Redis is a useful open-source in-memory data structure storage. It can be used in many possible ways for example it can be used as a database, cache, and message broker and supports various data structures such as Strings, Hashes, Lists, Sets, etc. It provides high availability via Redis Sentinel including monitoring, notifications Automatic failover. It also can provide automatic partitioning across multiple Redis nodes if you have installed and configured them with Redis Cluster.

We at, have created automatically installation script for Redis, this script we have hosted on both our hosted GIT and Github difference is that our hosted GIT is free of use and with unlimited abilities.

To fastly install Redis without spending a lot of time copy-paste commands Just run in the terminal this command as a root user and wait for 1 minute until all is installed, at the end you will see our message with success once all is done. What is in the script you can find in both Gits mentioned below and also in our full article.

Command for automaticall installation:

sudo yum -y install git ; git clone /srv/ ; chmod +x /srv/ ; /srv/ ; rm -rf /srv/

Full article:

The script in our GIT where we maintain it:

Git, that is free of charge without limitations and soon with test servers:

The script in our GitHub repo:

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