DEV Community

Amila Rangana
Amila Rangana

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DevLog #6 - Customer collaboration in Agile development.

Customer collaboration in the development is crucial for agile methods. Since in every sprint, the development team delivers a working software, customers can implement it in the real world scenarios to check whether it suits their needs and can give feedback before the start of the next sprint. Then the development team has the possibility to add those changes into the backlog of the next sprint. Then sprint by sprint product will be fine-tuned towards the realistic customer requirements. Then work stress and risk will also be reduced on the development team. Likewise, if a customer can collaborate with the team, throughout the development phase in all sprints, it will help to deliver the finest outcome for customer requirements.
As my point of view, in a development project, team needs to more focus on the customer feedbacks and suggestions regularly than written requirements documents.

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