An efficient Least Recently Used (LRU) cache implementation with generics support, thread safety, and O(1) time complexity for operations.
Data Structures:
Hash Map (map[K]*list.Element)
- O(1) key lookups
- Stores pointers to linked list elements
Doubly Linked List (container/list)
- Maintains access order (MRU at front, LRU at back)
- O(1) insertions/moves/deletions
Eviction Policy:
When capacity is exceeded:
- Remove last element from linked list (LRU)
- Delete corresponding entry from hash map
- Insert new item at list front (MRU)
// lrucache is an in-memory key-value cache
package lrucache
import (
// A CacheItem represents a cached item with its key and value.
type CacheItem[K comparable, V any] struct {
key K
value V
// LRUCache is an in-memory cache for key to value mappings.
// It uses a hash map with a doubly linked list for LRU eviction.
type LRUCache[K comparable, V any] struct {
// a read-write mutex
cacheLock *sync.RWMutex
// a map of string to linked list element
cache map[K]*list.Element
// doubly linked list to implmenent LRU
lruList *list.List
// max cache size
capacity int
// NewLRUMap creates a new LRUCache with the specified capacity.
func NewLRUCache[K comparable, V any](capacity int) *LRUCache[K, V] {
return &LRUCache[K, V]{
cacheLock: &sync.RWMutex{},
cache: make(map[K]*list.Element),
lruList: list.New(),
capacity: capacity,
// Get returns the corresponding value for the given key.
// If the value exists, it moves the node to the front of the LRU list.
func (c *LRUCache[K, V]) Get(key K) (V, bool) {
defer c.cacheLock.RUnlock()
if val, exists := c.cache[key]; exists {
item := val.Value.(*CacheItem[K, V])
return item.value, true
var zero V
return zero, false
// Set adds or updates a key-value pair in the cache.
// If the cache is full, it evicts the (LRU) least recently used item.
func (c *LRUCache[K, V]) Set(key K, value V) {
defer c.cacheLock.Unlock()
// If value already exists, move it to front and update the value
if val, exists := c.cache[key]; exists {
item := val.Value.(*CacheItem[K, V])
item.value = value
// If lru list is full, remove the last item (least recently used) from the list
if c.lruList.Len() >= c.capacity {
toEvict := c.lruList.Back()
if toEvict != nil {
delete(c.cache, toEvict.Value.(*CacheItem[K, V]).key)
// push the newly added item in front
c.cache[key] = c.lruList.PushFront(&CacheItem[K, V]{key, value})
// Delete removes the item from cache.
func (c *LRUCache[K, V]) Delete(key K) {
defer c.cacheLock.Unlock()
if val, exists := c.cache[key]; exists {
delete(c.cache, key)
// Contains checks if key exists in the cache.
func (c *LRUCache[K, V]) Contains(key K) bool {
_, exists := c.cache[key]
return exists
// Returns the current number fo items in cache.
func (c *LRUCache[K, V]) Len() int {
return c.lruList.Len()
package main
import (
func LRU() {
lc := lrucache.NewLRUCache[any, any](3)
lc.Set("name", "amit")
lc.Set("age", 20)
lc.Set("height", 6)
fmt.Println(lc.Get("name")) // amit, true
fmt.Println(lc.Get("age")) // 20, true
fmt.Println(lc.Get("height")) // 6, true
fmt.Println("name", lc.Contains("name")) // true
fmt.Println("age", lc.Contains("age")) // true
fmt.Println("height", lc.Contains("height")) // true
fmt.Println(lc.Len()) // 3
lc.Set("package", 11)
fmt.Println("name", lc.Contains("name")) // false
fmt.Println("age", lc.Contains("age")) // true
fmt.Println("height", lc.Contains("height")) // true
fmt.Println("package", lc.Contains("package")) // true
func main() {
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