
Cover image for JAVA WITH NOTEPAD


Amritanshu Dev Rawat on December 29, 2020

Create Notepad How to create Notepad? Right Click > New > Text Document OR touch programName.txt [only for pro people] Give so...
calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen

You really shouldn't use notepad, it wouldn't even bother to catch any errors.
While it IS a nice tutorial, I'd recommend at the very least using VSCode. While it's mediocre for a lot of people (and I kinda like it), it at least has basic support for syntax highlighting, and intellicode.

For a beginner just wanting to test, yeah, it is nice, if you want to dip any further than "Hello, world!" though, you gotta at least install a bare bones IDE.

This wasn't necessarily for you (or here to make you feel bad), OP, this is more of a tip to anyone who's followed this, or is following this tutorial.

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

You're probably missing the point. Nobody does any serious programming in notepad, but it's nice to have tried it once. So many people learn programming in an IDE and never develop any understanding for the tools that are doing the work behind the scenes.

Here's a short story to underline this point :D

amritanshu profile image
Amritanshu Dev Rawat

Behind the scenes are important, but these day new mentors forgetting to mention that, and all the kids want to build cool AI, App, Website Project but when ask them how this thing work they be like click on that play button 🤣

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darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

I have yet to find a programming language where it's not beneficial to learn and use the commandline tools (compiler, interpreter, etc.)

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amritanshu profile image
Amritanshu Dev Rawat


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calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen

I know this is off topic, but, whatever fucking happened to it just being the language, and the tools the language provided to you when you installed it (i.e. the command line tools).

Now, for things like Java, we have Maven, Gradle, and this other BS I just don't get the purpose of having.

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thefern profile image
Fernando B 🚀

Those tools are for libraries/package management, pretty much all languages have them. Python=pip, Javascript=npm, Java/Kotlin=Maven/Gradle, ObjC/Swift=Cocoapods, and so on. Essentially you write a dependency file with all the packages you need, and then sync. These tools will download everything for you. So if you need 10 jar lib files, it will be done for you without you having to manually download each jar and configure it in the project settings path. They might look like BS at first, but once you learned their purpose you'll never go back to manual downloading of libs.

They really matter when you have a big project, and you don't want to reinvent the wheel if a library is already built.

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calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen

What about compiling/running. That (by itself, not accounting for libraries) should be done through the langs VLI, right?

No? Why the fuck not, that's how it USED to work, and I still need to catch up, so let me use my "cave man" methods.

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt • Edited

And even ignoring most advanced features, NotePad is very limited at Undo.

I recommend minimum Gedit or NotePad++. (or even Nano / Vim)

MS Word, yes someone do use, is OK at features, but bad at monospace and unformatted text. Even Markdown is better.

NotePad is substandard software to me.

neilgall profile image
Neil Gall

Notepad is definitely going too bare bones but when learning something new - particularly a new language or API - I always drop the IDE and use a good text editor. It forces you to look up and read the docs, type out things in full and generally think a bit more about the details of what you are doing rather than coding on IDE autopilot.

calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen

Usually, for IDEs that support it, though, they have docs (as Java to Javadoc) integrated, so you can read what they do.

Sure, it means you won't remember it, since you can just go straight to what you're looking for, but still, once you read a method/class' doc, you should know what it does (if the name/arguments weren't already enough of a hint for the puny brain reading the code).

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thefern profile image
Fernando B 🚀 is a great tool for docs. I think mac is dash docs.

thefern profile image
Fernando B 🚀

Yeah I wouldn't make my worst enemy code in notepad, maybe notepad++, just maybe lol.

amritanshu profile image
Amritanshu Dev Rawat


sergix profile image
Peyton McGinnis

I completely agree. What baffles me though is how many college introductory programming courses still use Notepad to write source code in-class...

amritanshu profile image
Amritanshu Dev Rawat • Edited

I have been working with VS Code, Inteli J, Eclipse and other tools too.. but when it comes to practice i always prefer notepad.. and yes you are also right...

calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen


ashishk1331 profile image
Ashish Khare😎

Can't say useful. Still don't understand the need? 😅🤔

amritanshu profile image
Amritanshu Dev Rawat

in one of my interview, IDE was banned 📌

thefern profile image
Fernando B 🚀

Off-topic, but that's kind of awful, no? Why are interviews so unrealistic, you'll never code a product in notepad. Even if it was done just to see if you can compile Java, that's still a bad interview question imo.

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amritanshu profile image
Amritanshu Dev Rawat

they just want to know how you solve a problem in difficult situation and maybe how much patience one got 📌

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ashishk1331 profile image
Ashish Khare😎

I'll die laughing on this one. Bro they tested you if you know the language or you are just stuck hitting "run" in IDEs. Asking you to code in notepad doesn't mean to put you in difficult position. And nothing related to patience. Still nice try putting the post up.

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amritanshu profile image
Amritanshu Dev Rawat

I am lazy enough and don't want to explain 100 lines why they do that.. so that comment came from my lazy mind..

rkennela2 profile image
Ryan Kennel 🐶

IDE banned? Why not also tie your right hand behind your back?

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amritanshu profile image
Amritanshu Dev Rawat

lol, maybe when i become senior sde.

ashishk1331 profile image
Ashish Khare😎

Hahaha😂 Yeah that's why study languages and their uses, never make dips on ide.

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

It's amazing to read how strongly people react to the idea of using notepad for coding. Of course it's inconvenient, that's why code editors exist, after all. But if you know what you're doing, it doesn't make that much of a difference. Lack of syntax highlighting isn't all that bad if the code is well-structured. No autocomplete needs you need to know your tech instead of "browsing" it.

In short: Programming in notepad means you have to actually know how to program.

When I learned programming, it was using an IDE. Later, when I learned Java, it was also using an IDE. When I started learning C, guess what: IDE. At some point, driven by curiosity, I started playing around with the compilers much more, writing code as text files (yes, even in notepad) and compiling them by hand. It didn't take long for me to just ditch IDEs entirely and go on an editor journey that would ultimately lead me to Vim, and I haven't looked back once.

And to those who are bewildered at the mere suggestion of using notepad: try it. It's good practice, and you might get a better understanding of how much a proper IDE actually does for you.

amritanshu profile image
Amritanshu Dev Rawat

ya, that's the thing, you only get to know the actual thing when you play with it.

ducaale profile image
Mohamed Dahir

Nitpick: create notepad should be create a .txt file. This is important because not everyone has their computer configured to open .txt files with notepad.

amritanshu profile image
Amritanshu Dev Rawat

Right click > New > "Text Document" (text document by default set to .txt )

vepo profile image
Victor Osório

Why tag this post with #javascript?!?!?! Java is for Javascript the same that car is for carpet.

amritanshu profile image
Amritanshu Dev Rawat

without java you can't pronounce javascript.. actual answer: they want 4 tags.

rkennela2 profile image
Ryan Kennel 🐶

This is literally how I learned to code Java in 1997. Let’s just be thankful that IDEs exist today.

amritanshu profile image
Amritanshu Dev Rawat

Old school thing...

havryliuk profile image

You won’t be able to run javac without JDK installed which is not covered in this tutorial.

amritanshu profile image
Amritanshu Dev Rawat

you can't write java code without learning java, and what you saying is same as you can't write code without keyboard.