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Amrutha p m
Amrutha p m

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Task 5:Test case and bug reporting


Q2)Write the key points on — Test Scenario, Test Case, Test Strategy and Plan, Test Summary Report.

Test Scenario:
A Test Scenario is defined as any functionality that can be tested. It is also called Test Condition or Test Possibility. As a tester, we should put yourself in the end user’s shoes and figure out the real-world scenarios and use cases of the Application Under Test.A test scenario is a description of a specific functionality or feature to be tested.Generally test scenario is written one line. It represents a specific condition or situation that needs to be verified during testing.
key points are,
1)It is to ensure the test coverage
2)Test Scenarios care approved by Business Analyst, Developers, Client to ensure the application Under Test is thoroughly tested. It ensures that the software is working for the most common use cases.It is to ensure the product's quality.
3)For studying and ensuring the end-to-end functioning of the program, Test Scenario is the most important one.
4)A test scenario doesn’t require such a detailed description as a test case does it is a one-line description is sufficient.
it saves time in overall stlc.
5)Test scenarios are usually written after brainstorming, so the chance of missing any behavior is minimal.
example: Check the login functionality

Test case:
Test cases are set of actions or functionality to be executed to verify particular features or functionality.which is under test included what we need to test and how to do the particular test case.To verifying a particular test case we need input sometimes and we need to follow certain steps to execute and to veryfy we need actual and expected results.Test cases which maps and traces the helps to ensure the application is defect free.

Test case id:TC_001
Test case :Verify that user can able to login with mobile number or not
verify that user can able to login with email id or not
verify that error message is displayed for invalid email id or not
verify that error message is displayed for wrong password or not
verify that user can login with valid email id and invalid password or not
verify that user can login with invalid email id and valid password or not
verify that user can login with invalid email id and invalid password or not
verify that user can login with empty fields or not
verify that user can login with valid email id and valid password or not

Test strategy:
A test strategy is a high-level document that defines the overall testing approach for a project.Test strategy provides a roadmap for how testing will be conducted. It ensures that testing efforts align with project goals and objectives.It provides a structured approach to the entire QA team, guiding them toward achieving testing objectives in the most efficient way.
key points
1)The test strategy document is approved and reviewed by the test team lead, development manager, quality analyst manager, and product manager.
2)The test strategy document specifies the resources, scope, plan, and methodology for different testing activities.
3)The test effort, test domain, test setups, and test tools used to verify and validate a set of functions are all outlined in a Test Strategy. It also includes schedules, resource allocations, and employee utilization information.
main components of test strategy document are,

  1. Scope and Overview:Any product’s overview includes information about who should approve, review, and use the document.
  2. Testing Methodology: Testing methodology is the next module in the test strategy document, and it is used to specify the degrees of testing, testing procedures, roles, and duties of all team members. The change management process, which includes the modification request submission, pattern to be utilized, and activity to manage the request, is also included in the testing strategy.
  3. Testing Environment Specifications:The information about the number of environments and the needed configuration for each environment should be included in the test environment setup. For example, the functional test team might have one test environment and the UAT team might have another. Define the number of users supported in each environment, as well as each user’s access roles and software and hardwarerequirements, such as the operating system, RAM, free disc space, and the number of systems. It’s just as crucial to define the test data needs.
  4. Testing Tools:Define the tools for test management and automation that will be utilized to execute the tests. Describe the test approach and tools needed for performance, load, and security testing. 5.Release Control: Release Control is a crucial component of the test strategy document. It’s used to make sure that test execution and release management strategies are established in a systematic way.
  5. Risk Analysis: Risk Analysis is the next section of the test strategy paper. All potential hazards associated with the project are described in the test strategy document and can become an issue during test execution.
  6. Review and Approval: When all of the testing activities are stated in the test strategy document, it is evaluated by the persons that are involved, such as, System Administration Team. Project Management Team. Development Team. Business Team. Starting the document with the right date, approver name, comment, and summary of the reviewed modifications should be followed. It should also be evaluated and updated on a regular basis as the testing procedure improves.

Test Plan:t’s developed from a set of software requirements(SRS).
A test plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the testing approach, scope, resources, schedule, and deliverables for a testing project.Test plan includes test objectives, test scope, test schedule, resource requirements, test environment, and exit criteria. It may also contain test deliverables, testing tasks, and responsibilities.
components and attributes of test plan are,

  1. Objective: It describes the aim of the test plan, whatever the good process and procedure they are going to follow to give quality software to customers. The overall objective of the test is to find as many defects as possible and to make software bug-free. The test objective must be broken into components and sub-components. In every component following activities should be performed.Listing all the functionality and performance to be tested.Make goals and targets based on the application feature.
  2. Scope: It consists of information that needs to be tested concerning an application. The scope can be divided into two parts: In-Scope: The modules that are to be tested rigorously. Out Scope: The modules that are not to be tested rigorously. Example: In an application A, B, C, and D features have to be developed, but the B feature has already been designed by other companies. So the development team will purchase B from that company and perform only integrated testing with A, B, and C.
  3. Testing Methodology: The methods that are going to be used for testing depend on application to application. The testing methodology is decided based on the feature and application requirements. Since the testing terms are not standard, one should define what kind of testing will be used in the testing methodology. So that everyone can understand it.
  4. Approach: The approach of testing different software is different. It deals with the flow of applications for future reference. It has two aspects: High-Level Scenarios: For testing critical features high-level scenarios are written. For Example, login to a website, and book from a website. The Flow Graph: It is used when one wants to make benefits such as converging and merging easy.
  5. Assumption: In this phase, certain assumptions will be made. Example: The testing team will get proper support from the development team. The tester will get proper knowledge transfer from the development team. Proper resource allocation will be given by the company to the testing department.
  6. Risk: All the risks that can happen if the assumption is broken. For Example, in the case of wrong budget estimation, the cost may overrun. Some reason that may lead to risk is: Test Manager has poor management skills. Hard to complete the project on time. Lack of cooperation.
  7. Mitigation Plan: If any risk is involved then the company must have a backup plan, the purpose is to avoid errors. Some points to resolve/avoid risk: Test priority is to be set for each test activity. Managers should have leadership skills. Training course for the testers.
  8. Roles and Responsibilities: All the responsibilities and role of every member of a particular testing team has to be recorded.

Test Manager: Manages the project, takes appropriate resources, and gives project direction.
Tester: Identify the testing technique, verify the test approach, and save project costs.

  1. Schedule: Under this, it will record the start and end date of every testing-related activity. For Example, writing the test case date and ending the test case date.
  2. Defect Tracking: It is an important process in software engineering as lots of issue arises when you develop a critical system for business. If there is any defect found ,defect tracking: Information Capture: In this, we take basic information to begin the process. Prioritize: The task is prioritized based on severity and importance. Communication: Communication between the identifier of the bug and the fixer of the bug. Environment: Test the application based on hardware and software. Example: The bug can be identified using bug-tracking tools such as Jira, Mantis, and Trac.
  3. Test Environments: It is the environment that the testing team will use i.e. the list of hardware and software, while testing the application, the things that are said to be tested will be written under this section. The installation of software is also checked under this. Example: Software configuration on different operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, Mac Hardware Configuration depends on RAM, ROM, etc.
  4. Entry and Exit Criteria: The set of conditions that should be met to start any new type of testing or to end any kind of testing. Entry Condition: Necessary resources must be ready. The application must be prepared. Test data should be ready. Exit Condition: There should not be any major bugs. Most test cases should be passed. When all test cases are executed.

Test summary report:A test summary report is a document that provides an overview of the testing activities, results, and overall quality of the software after testing is completed.
It provides the relevant stakeholders with a detailed account of the overall test results and defects.
It aims to summarize the results of the entire testing process formally.which includes,
A short evaluation of how well the testing is performed.
Quality of testing effort.
Quality assessment of the software.
The recordings should also include the factors like time taken, and different environments tested.
The incident reports included statistics.
A brief on the final test results.

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