All dates and numbers appearing in this article are correct at the date of writing. To find up-to-date information follow the links in the article.
If you are reading this article, that means that you are moving with the times, because the demand for templates is expected to grow. The reason is the current situation in the world about the pandemic. We are not going to hype out of that, it’s a very serious and mournful situation. We want to underline the consequence: people stay at home and this is essential to move your activity online. If you have a business, make an app for it, if you dreamed about developing some specific application, put your idea into practice!
The best way to create a web app is by using templates. They provide fast, well-coded, documented, ready-to-use decisions, and you need only to adapt them to your idea. Speed is the crucial point here and that is where templates become the most appropriate instrument to create an app.
But templates are different, and we speak not about the design and the amount of ready-to-use elements, but about the technology a template is based on. That is why we want to discuss the best bootstrap admin templates built pure Javascript as well as built popular frameworks and libraries. To be precise, these frameworks and libraries are React, Vue, Angular. If you are not familiar with any of them, look only through the best templates built pure JavaScript or read the Article about Angular and React.
Bootstrap Admin Templates Built With Pure Javascript to Kickstart Your App
One: Sing App HTML5

- Premium admin dashboard.
- Minimum extra dependencies (no frameworks).
- Bootstrap 4.2.1.
- Page reload with AJAX.
- Special E-commerce section, tons of useful widgets, 8 chart libraries, hundreds of pages like the gallery, calendar, timeline, and much more.
- Interactive tutorial and hints when first open an app.
- 2000 downloads so far.
- Last update: about 3 weeks ago.
- The cost is $59.55.
- Free version available here.
Two: Material Dashboard Pro

- Premium admin template.
- Modern Google’s material design.
- Built with Bootstrap Material Design framework.
- Amazing and smooth animation.
- Awesome notification and alert system.
- 15 inbuilt plugins, a lot of example pages, 5 different sets of icons.
- Last update about two weeks ago.
- The cost is $49.
Three: Metronic

- Premium admin universal dashboard.
- Support and development since 2013.
- 11 demos dashboards with different design and one multipurpose dashboard.
- Very huge and unique database of applications, plugins, components gathered during all years of development.
- One of the most featured templates on the market.
- The most popular template on ThemeForest.
- Last update: about a week ago.
- The cost is $35.
Four: Flatlogic One

- Premium admin template.
- Built with Bootstrap 4.5.
- Theme Change Support.
- Dashboards (Analytics and Visits).
- E-commerce section.
- Chart library (Amcharts, Echarts, Apexcharts).
- Flatlogic Icons, Flatlogic Typography.
- Google Maps integrated.
- The price is $99.95.
- Fully responsive.
Five: Cork

- Multipurpose admin dashboard.
- Bootstrap v. 4.4.1.
- Smooth and lightweight animation in all objects.
- A multitude of well-designed interactive charts and widgets.
- A huge amount of reusable components and pre-built ages.
- Balanced and simple material design.
- Dark and light layouts available.
- Easy to modify with CSS.
- Last update: about a week ago.
- The cost is $9.
- The template is truly made with love:)

Six: Light Blue HTML 5

- Premium developer-oriented admin template.
- Extensive documentation.
- Awesome transparent design with a deep background.
- New light and white version added.
- Built with HTML5, pure JS, Bootstrap, and Sass.
- Suitable for SAAS, CRM, and CMS systems.
- A huge amount of handcrafted components.
- 30+ pages included.
- A landing page included.
- The cost is $49.95.
- You can download free lite version here.
Awesome React Admin Templates
One: Easy Dev

- Premium modern dashboard template.
- Bright design with clear and simple UI.
- Used technologies are React Router, Redux, Material UI, and SASS.
- Special dashboards for eCommerce, crypto, booking, and MobileApp.
- Component reload with React Hot Loader.
- Several applications and a lot of general components and specific components for eCommerce.
- Last update: around three weeks ago.
- The cost is $28.
Two: Shards Dashboard Pro React

- Free blog-oriented admin dashboard template pack.
- Optimized for fast performance.
- All components are carefully hand-coded and well documented.
- Includes 15 pages and more than 350 components.
- About a 1000 stars on GitHub.
- Modular foundation.
- Multiple plugins like React Table, Chart.js, React Datepicker, and other.
- There is a free lite version of the template that is oriented to blog apps.
- Last update: a year ago.
- The cost: $39.
Three: Blur Admin

- A premium ReactJS template with comprehensive features.
- Customer choice on ThemeForest with 2 000 + downloads.
- 7 dashboards for Crypto, CRM, eCommerce and many more.
- Powered with popular libraries like Material-UI, Redux, ReCharts and others.
- Dynamic routing support.
- Async loading.
- Code splitting & HMR.
- Tons of UI components, widgets, and metrics.
- 25+ .psd files.
- Neat and minimalistic material design.
- Last update: around 3 months ago.
- The cost is: $24.
Four: Tabler

- A free dashboard template with clean code.
- High-quality UI.
- Simple and clear design.
- Build with Node.js and Yarn.
- Minimum dependencies with fast pages reload.
- A sufficient set of components, pages, forms to develop an app.
- Last update: 10 months ago.
- The cost: free.
Five: Light Bootstrap Dashboard Pro React

- Premium admin template.
- Created with Bootstrap, Sass, and HTML5.
- Contains a collection of elements to build an admin panel, project management system, CRM, or CMS.
- The pack includes sketch files from designers.
- Last update: 10 months ago.
- A bunch of optimized React plugins.
- The cost: $149.
Useful Angular Admin Dashboards
One: Pages

- Premium admin dashboard template.
- Multifunctional and multipurpose template with hundreds of customizable features.
- A perfect composition of elements, shades, colors, spaces in the design.
- Awesome typography with pixel optimized inter typeface family and dynamic metrics.
- Exclusive set of components and carefully designed pages.
- 100 + widgets & plugins.
- 6 years of constant improvements.
- Customer choice with more than 10 000 downloads.
- Last update: 23 days ago.
- The price is $18.
Two: Altair – Admin Material Design UIkit Template

- Premium material design admin template.
- Popular template on ThemeForest with 3 000+ downloads.
- Easily customizable with LESS files and Gulp tasks.
- Some custom pages and UI components with integrated KendoUI.
- Inbuilt plugins and third-party libraries.
- Comes with a landing page.
- Last update: about three weeks ago.
- The cost is $24.
Three: Gene

- Premium admin template with material design.
- Used technologies are Angular 8, Sass, HTML5, Firebase.
- Carefully crafted stylish elements in the design.
- 80+ integrated pages and 12 integrated languages.
- Comes with all necessary components: icons, buttons, forms, tables charts.
- Includes specific apps like online chat, task board, video player.
- 5 built-in dashboards: CRM, Crypto, Courses, Saas, Web analytics.
- Last update: around 2 months ago.
- The cost is $24.
Four: StartNG

- Premium powerful admin template.
- Based on Angular 9.
- An intuitive design that comes with 6 different layouts and 10 color styles.
- 4.97 stars rating based on 38 reviews on ThemeForest.
- Contains responsive tables, charts, apps (calendar, mailbox).
- Last update: 2 months ago.
- The price is $24.
Responsive Vue Admin Dashboard Templates
One: Sing App Vue Node.js

- Premium admin dashboard template with a modular design.
- Built with VueJS 2.5.2 and Bootstrap 4.
- Also available in Angular and React versions.
- jQuery-free.
- Easy customization thanks to modular architecture.
- Node.js backend with CRUD.
- Great design with charming animation.
- Awesome online chat app.
- Many ready-to-use UI components.
- Great inbuilt analytics instruments like interactive maps, ECharts, and highcharts.
- Product grid for eCommerce section.
- Last update: around three weeks ago.
- The price is $99.95.
- A free lite version is available here.
Two: Vuexy

- Premium beautiful admin theme.
- eCommerce specialization.
- 6 different color designs.
- Technology stack: VueJS, Bootstrap, Firebase, Axios, and Algolia.
- Available in pure JS and ReactJS.
- No jQuery dependency.
- Two dashboards: analytics and eCommerce.
- eCommerce section with shop, wish list, checkout.
- Quick search.
- Hundreds of pages, components, and cards.
- Last update: about two weeks ago.
- The cost is $32.
Three: Gul

- Premium modern dashboard template.
- Developed with VueCli, Cue, Vuex, Sass and BootstrapVue Components.
- There is an HTML version.
- Built with pure Vue without jQuery.
- Useful applications like invoice export to pdf, mails, chat, contacts, todo list.
- Free design files come with a template.
- 250+ UI elements, widgets, pages.
- Last update: about two weeks ago.
- The cost is $18.
Four: Piaf

- Premium Vuejs admin template.
- jQuery-free but has a jQuery version.
- Pleasant user-friendly design, efficient UI.
- Excellent composition of handcrafted components and layouts.
- Beautiful charts in a single chart library.
- Excellent design and composition of elements.
- Offers miscellaneous pages like prices, blog pages, eCommerce pages, profiles, etc.
- Easily configurable keyboard shortcuts.
- Last update: about 2 months ago.
- The cost is $16.
And yet, what template to choose?
The algorithm is simple:
- Define the technology you want to use.
- Determine the features or requirements for your future apps (for example, we need group and face-to-face chats, mails and fine-looking profile pages. Or you have a requirement to launch the app within a month and you don’t have time to customize the template).
- Look through the demos of templates built with the technology you need, keeping in mind what you got from the second point.
- Buy the template. _____________________
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Originally published at — React, Angular, Vue, Bootstrap & React Native templates and themes.
Text source: Top 19 Bootstrap Developer Friendly Templates for 2020
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