1. Migration Basics
Create a Migration
php artisan make:migration create_table_name_table
php artisan make:migration create_users_table
Run Migrations
Run all pending migrations:
php artisan migrate
Rollback Migrations
Rollback the most recent batch of migrations:
php artisan migrate:rollback
Rollback & Re-run Migrations
Rollback and re-run all migrations:
php artisan migrate:refresh
Reset Migrations
Rollback all migrations completely:
php artisan migrate:reset
Run Specific Migration
Run a single migration file:
php artisan migrate --path=/database/migrations/filename.php
Status of Migrations
Check migration status (applied or pending):
php artisan migrate:status
2. Table Operations
Create a Table
To create a table, use:
Schema::create('table_name', function (Blueprint $table) {
Modify an Existing Table
To modify an existing table, you need to create a new migration:
php artisan make:migration add_columns_to_table_name_table
3. Adding Columns
Add a New Column
Schema::table('table_name', function (Blueprint $table) {
Add Multiple Columns
Schema::table('table_name', function (Blueprint $table) {
Add Column with Default Value
Schema::table('table_name', function (Blueprint $table) {
4. Dropping Columns
Drop a Single Column
Schema::table('table_name', function (Blueprint $table) {
Drop Multiple Columns
Schema::table('table_name', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->dropColumn(['column1', 'column2']);
5. Rename Operations
Rename a Column
Schema::table('table_name', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->renameColumn('old_name', 'new_name');
Rename a Table
Schema::rename('old_table_name', 'new_table_name');
6. Altering Columns
Change Column Type
Install the doctrine/dbal package:
composer require doctrine/dbal
Then use:
Schema::table('table_name', function (Blueprint $table) {
Make Column Nullable
Schema::table('table_name', function (Blueprint $table) {
7. Indexing
Add an Index
Add a Unique Index
Add a Composite Index
$table->index(['column1', 'column2']);
Drop an Index
Drop a Unique Index
8. Foreign Keys
Add Foreign Key
Schema::table('table_name', function (Blueprint $table) {
Drop Foreign Key
9. Timestamps and Soft Deletes
Add Timestamps
Add Soft Deletes
Drop Soft Deletes
10. Miscellaneous
Add Remember Token
Add UUID as Primary Key
Check Table Existence
if (!Schema::hasTable('table_name')) {
Schema::create('table_name', function (Blueprint $table) {
Check Column Existence
if (!Schema::hasColumn('table_name', 'column_name')) {
Schema::table('table_name', function (Blueprint $table) {
11. Migration Rollbacks with Specific Steps
Rollback Last 'N' Migrations
Rollback a specific number of migrations:
php artisan migrate:rollback --step=2
Rollback and Re-run Specific Steps
php artisan migrate:refresh --step=2
12. Running Migrations in Production
To force migration in production without a prompt:
php artisan migrate --force
Practice Tips
- Practice table creation with all column types (
, etc.). - Simulate database changes using rollback, refresh, and reset.
- Implement foreign key constraints with cascading deletes.
- Work on adding soft deletes and testing data recovery.
- Try renaming columns and tables using migration.
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