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8 reasons why having a blog is as important as having a GitHub

Andrew Baisden on August 25, 2021

Blogging and Technical Writing has become extremely popular these days. I think it's one of the few great things that emerged from this global pand...
conorbronsdon profile image
Conor Bronsdon

Awesome piece, I couldn't agree more! The only thing I might add is that Dzone is also a great website for blogging/technical writing. You might consider checking them out - I personally post there and have found them to have a strong developer community.

mfurmaniuk profile image

It's a great point and one that certain old timers like myself have used, the point that most people miss is make your content poignant and interesting. After awhile you can tend to run out of ideas, I started my first online postings more than 20 years ago and kept it up for a few then go back now and again. Long term being able to keep it up is what can help focus you, and making the time as blogging, especially if you plan to do many (once or many times per week) can take more time than one a month. Set yourself an achievable goal and make sure you leave time for edits, rarely does one create an illuminating and polished post the first time.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Yes consistency is key.

terminaladdict profile image
Paul • Edited

I run two blogs.
Each attracts a very different audience.
I have a nerdy blog, and a personal blog.

Also, if you want to stand out from the crowd, do a customer WP theme, that you wrote yourself, or better, don't use WP

aayusranjan profile image
Ayush Ranjan

what's the full form of wp

imrishabh18 profile image
Rishabh Gupta


brandoncharest profile image
Brandon Charest

As someone who has been playing with the idea of starting a programming blog, this article is a nice reminder of the benefits to having one.

First post is the hardest it seems.

matin profile image

You are absolutely right! I prefer to use medium because it has a simple and fast space and also can not be each other, But is not as professional as the medium and is just a community to talk and connect with each other

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Medium is great for getting noticed. Ever since I started adding some of my articles to publications my following has grown a lot on there.

oniichan profile image

I learnt to setup and host a WordPress while I was studying I.T and found blogging and managing it to be a drag. I find writing articles and technical documentation painfully boring, words won't just come like that if I'm not enjoying what I'm doing. Maybe it's because I'm an introvert who doesn't care about connecting with other people and would rather just code instead of writing. I just do and learn what I like.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

I'm an introvert too and enjoying it. Maybe you just need a spark or that ah ha moment 😉

ferluisxd profile image
Luis Vilca

Hello, have you used, or use any notes app? Like notion?

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Yes Notion is amazing!

ferluisxd profile image
Luis Vilca

Nice, how do you use it?

Thread Thread
andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

I use it to manage my projects and life administration. Goals, tasks, projects, finances etc...

cheahengsoon profile image
Eng Soon Cheah

Because Its help you for explanation to someone whose is newbie.

tsadarsh profile image
Adarsh TS

Got me into serious thinking. I should get in a habit of writing blogs. Thanks for sharing ❤️.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Yes please do the more writers the better!

endymion1818 profile image
Ben Read

100% agree with this. It’s amazing to think that out of all the skills that my mum taught me, writing well and touch typing are still so useful!

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

It's a free skill and we can all do it.

chididev profile image
Chidi James

This is very very inspiring, thank you for sharing.

iizmotabar profile image
Motabar Javaid

I recently came to the realization of importance of writing articles so Couldn't agree more. The article is very well organized! Good work, Andrew!

ruannawrites profile image

Agree with all of these! We have similar passions - appreciate you sharing your thoughts on blogging & writing!

andreaskol profile image

Thanks! Great motivational article as I'm getting ready to start my own blog and want to further justify the use of time.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Nice i do that because it helps alot of to standout, given there's not alot of people who blogs especially my niche in Asia.

manishmanda profile image
