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Cover image for 50 useful built-in modules in Python
Karthick Srinivasan
Karthick Srinivasan

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50 useful built-in modules in Python

Here is a list of 50 useful built-in modules in Python:

  1. sys - provides access to system-specific parameters and functions
  2. os - provides functions for interacting with the operating system
  3. math - provides mathematical functions
  4. random - provides functions for generating random numbers
  5. datetime - provides classes for working with dates and times
  6. json - provides functions for working with JSON data
  7. re - provides functions for working with regular expressions
  8. urllib - provides functions for working with URLs
  9. xml - provides functions for working with XML
  10. email - provides functions for working with email messages
  11. hashlib - provides functions for calculating hash values
  12. hmac - provides functions for calculating HMAC values
  13. itertools - provides functions for working with iterators
  14. collections - provides additional data types for working with collections of data
  15. heapq - provides functions for working with heaps
  16. bisect - provides functions for working with sorted lists
  17. array - provides functions for working with arrays
  18. queue - provides thread-safe FIFO implementation
  19. struct - provides pack and unpack functions for working with C-style data structures
  20. threading - provides functions for working with threads
  21. multipaddress - provides functions for working with IP addresses
  22. subprocess - provides functions for working with subprocesses
  23. tempfile - provides functions for working with temporary files and directories
  24. shutil - provides functions for working with files and directories
  25. glob - provides functions for working with file patterns
  26. fnmatch - provides functions for matching file patterns
  27. fnmatch - provides functions for matching file patterns
  28. zipfile - provides functions for working with zip archives
  29. tarfile - provides functions for working with tar archives
  30. gzip - provides functions for working with gzip files
  31. bz2 - provides functions for working with bzip2 files
  32. lzma - provides functions for working with LZMA files
  33. time - provides functions for working with time
  34. calendar - provides functions for working with calendars
  35. locale - provides functions for internationalization
  36. gettext - provides functions for internationalization
  37. locale - provides functions for internationalization
  38. getopt - provides functions for parsing command-line options
  39. argparse - provides functions for parsing command-line options
  40. logging - provides functions for logging
  41. logging.config - provides functions for configuring logging
  42. logging.handlers - provides additional handler classes for logging
  43. pprint - provides functions for pretty-printing data structures
  44. cProfile - provides functions for profiling Python code
  45. pstats - provides functions for working with profiling statistics
  46. timeit - provides functions for measuring the execution time of small bits of Python code
  47. trace - provides functions for tracing the execution of Python code
  48. unittest - provides a unit testing framework
  49. doctest - provides a framework for running tests embedded in documentation
  50. unittest.mock - provides a library for testing in Python

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