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Van Anh Pham
Van Anh Pham

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Best Practices for the Best UX Performance in Flutter

Flutter is a powerful framework for crafting beautiful and performant user interfaces. To ensure your Flutter app delivers an exceptional user experience, consider implementing these best practices:

1. Utilize const and static for Memory Efficiency

Leveraging the const keyword can significantly optimize memory usage. When creating instances of a class, making the constructor const ensures that the object is created only once, enhancing memory conservation. This applies not only to widgets but also to any object in Flutter.

const ConstObject();

Additionally, when the const keyword can't be used, consider using the static keyword for non-constant objects. This ensures that the function or variable marked as static is generated only once, saving memory.

2. Delay Execution Strategically

Delay execution of expensive operations when possible. By using the late keyword for variables and conditional checks, you can defer computations until they are actually needed, saving computational expenses.

late final operationOne = someExpensiveOperation();

3. Prefer Widgets Over Functions

Use widgets instead of functions to build your UI. Widgets provide a more interactive and visually attractive user interface. Consider creating custom widgets to encapsulate UI and behavior, promoting reusability and modular code.

4. Optimize the Use of AnimatedBuilder

When using AnimatedBuilder for animations, avoid unnecessary widget rebuilding. Include your widget in the child parameter of AnimatedBuilder and take advantage of caching widgets for efficient animation.

body: AnimatedBuilder(
animation: controller,
child: CounterWidget(counter: counter),
builder: (_, child) => Transform(
// ...

5. Precache Images for Swift Loading

Improve image loading performance by precaching images in memory. Utilize the precacheImage method to load images quickly when needed, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Image image;
void didChangeDependencies() {
precacheImage(image.image, context);

6. Minimize Opacity Usage

Reduce the use of Opacity and Clipping widgets to optimize performance. Applying opacity directly to an image can be more efficient than wrapping it with an Opacity widget.

7. Use the nil Package for Efficiency

To prevent the creation of unnecessary rendering objects, consider using the nil package. This package generates elements without creating rendering objects, improving performance and memory usage.

import 'package:nil/nil.dart';
return Builder(
builder: (_) {
if (condition) {
return const MyWidget();
} else {
return nil;


By incorporating these best practices into your Flutter development workflow, you can enhance the performance and efficiency of your app, providing users with a seamless and delightful experience. Remember to profile your app regularly, use Flutter performance tools, and stay informed about the latest optimization techniques to ensure ongoing success in delivering top-notch Flutter applications.

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