Hello, my name is Anna, I am from New Zealand and I am starting out as a junior, full-stack web developer.
Before the Covid pandemic, I was a makeup artist and once all the productions were closed and we went into a month-long lockdown with no income, I knew I needed a stable career change.
My sister's friend did a web developer course that only lasted a couple of months which allowed her to find a job that she loves. She recommended the course and within a couple of weeks, I was enrolled in Dev Academy. A course that teaches you how to be a full-stack web developer in 15 weeks.
We learned about:
- HTML 5
- JavaScript
- React
- Redux
- API's
- Databases
- Testing
I will be honest, the course was physically, emotionally, and mentally challenging. I spent most days there, had to overcome my inner critic and work with people that I didn't necessarily bond with.
All in all, I'm excited to start my career as a web developer and I will be posting my journey here!
Until next time, Anna
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