I saw something floating in one of the websites,
and bazinga! Today shall be the day I conquer CSS animation. Starting with a space ship. 🚀
We are going to explore keyframes
and animation
and transform
and translateY
There are a few types of animation-timing-function:
ease: Slow start, then fast, then ends slowly
ease-in: Slow start
ease-out: Slow end
ease-in-out: Slow start and a slow end
Know more at w3schools.
The basic idea in HTML
and CSS
The difference is too subtle for my eyes. Same same but different. Okthxbye.
Top comments (4)
This is very cool!!
I forked it and switched the animation time to
instead of2s
instead of1rem
. I don't know why, but it speaks to me more when it's faster with a shorter travel path, makes it look like it hovering :)codepen.io/anon/pen/eLMQYP
Nice! Definitely, I made it to 2s so we can see the difference between different timing-function clearer. Shorter distance makes it subtle and more natural.