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DPS909 Blog :LAB 10 About Software releases


This lab focus on this topic

  • General concepts and terminology of software releases
  • Git tags
  • Package managers
  • User testing

Release tool

To release my app I have used npm.

To release your software, you can follow these steps.

Create a package.json file if you don't have in the root directory.

Use this cmd to create the new package.json file npm init.

A package.json file:

  • Lists the packages your project depends on
  • Specifies versions of a package that your project can use using semantic versioning rules
  • Makes your build reproducible, and therefore easier to share with other developers
  • Make sure to add the name, version and author in your package.json file.

ADD a file to a package

  • In a text editor, in your package root directory, create a file called
  • In the file, add useful information about your package.
  • Save the file.

Publish your release

  • Make sure you have created the account npm and verified it.
  • Use the cmd npm login on your terminal. Login with your username and password.
  • Use the command npm publish --access public if you want to create and publish scoped public packages.

After releasing my static site to install it locally on your device you can use this cmd npm i agandhi29_static_site_geneator


This is the first time when i have release my tool to the npm. It was really great to publish my work in open source so that now everyone can use my static site generator if they want to.

User testing

I have asked my class mate to install the package and run it on their device and all of them were able to run it locally and are fully satisfied with my instructions.

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