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Ansu Jain
Ansu Jain

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Efficient Schema Design Strategies for Scalable Databases

Efficient schema design is crucial for building scalable databases that can handle growing data volumes and evolving application requirements. In this article, we will explore some key considerations and strategies to improve partitioning and sharding, ensuring optimal performance and query response times. Additionally, we will discuss the benefits of adopting a domain-driven design approach and utilizing separate tables for related data to enhance flexibility and maintainability.

Start with Partitioning and Sharding from Day One

When designing a schema, it is essential to consider partitioning and sharding strategies from the early stages of development. Partitioning involves dividing large tables into smaller, more manageable segments based on specific criteria. Sharding, on the other hand, involves distributing data across multiple databases or servers. By incorporating these strategies early on, you can avoid potential bottlenecks and scale your database seamlessly as data grows.

Designing Effective Partitioning Strategies

When implementing partitioning, it is crucial to ensure that it covers all P0 (high-priority) queries. For example, let's consider a User Order service with columns such as order_id, user_id, and created_at. Suppose we choose a partition strategy involving two layers: the first layer based on a time duration, and the second layer based on user_id. If the first layer has four partitions for a year and the second layer has ten partitions, we end up with a total of 40 tables. However, searching for an order_id that does not exist can be inefficient, as it would require scanning all 40 tables. Carefully selecting the partition key is, therefore, essential to optimize query performance and handle false cases effectively.

Separate Tables for List-Type Use Cases

In scenarios where you have use cases involving grouping or lists of related items, it is often beneficial to use two tables: a master table and an items table. This approach allows for efficient retrieval and manipulation of the list data. By separating the list items into a separate table linked to the master table, you can minimize data duplication and simplify operations such as adding, updating, and deleting list entries.

Adopt Domain-Driven Design for Service Design

When designing services, it is recommended to follow the principles of domain-driven design (DDD) rather than organizing them solely around specific features. For example, instead of creating separate services for functionalities like watchlist and pricelist, it is advantageous to consolidate them into a single service, such as a user-asset-list service. This consolidation reduces service redundancy, promotes code reusability, and facilitates the design of a flexible schema that can serve multiple related use cases.


Efficient schema design plays a vital role in building scalable databases that can handle increasing data loads and evolving application requirements. By considering partitioning and sharding strategies from the initial stages, carefully selecting partition keys, using separate tables for list-type use cases, and adopting a domain-driven design approach, developers can optimize query performance, enhance flexibility, and improve overall system efficiency. With these strategies in mind, you can design databases that are capable of supporting growth and adaptability in the long run.

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