
Cover image for YouTube Transcriber Bookmarklet
Anthony E. Alvarez
Anthony E. Alvarez

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YouTube Transcriber Bookmarklet

YTCaption - YouTube Transcriber Bookmarklet

Reasons You Will Love YTCaption:

--> Scan the transcript
--> It's finally readable
--> Consume YouTube videos twice as fast!
--> Watch and read so you don't miss anything

Use this with your Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) system to extract content from a YouTube video. Put your atomic notes in a Zettelkasten vault inside Obsidian. Create smart notes from YouTube videos quickly and easily.

YTCaption was created because there are so many amazing 20 minute to 2 hours videos that we do not have the time to watch.

So this is the perfect tool to keep on top of all your favourite YouTube Podcasts.

You won't be believe how useful it is!

Why sit through the whole entire video just to see what the person is going to be talking about when YTCaption can give you a full YouTube transcript? Wouldn't that be nice?

Load up any YouTube video and just see the script for the video right there.

This is an easy project to follow along with if you want to build your own.

This repo uses GitHub Actions with Azure for Continuous Integration and delivery (CI/CD).

GitHub Actions allow web developers to automatically test code that is pushed to the repository automatically. It helps web developers be more efficient.

This project is designed to help other web developers learn how to use GitHub Actions.

This repo was made for the 2022 Microsoft Azure Trial Hackathon on DEV!

How To Use this repo

  1. Visit the website.
  2. Select the button and drag to the bookmark bar of your web browser.
  3. Open a YouTube video that has captions.
  4. Press the bookmarklet to run this script
  5. To repeat process, go to next YouTube video
  6. Refresh the webpage using keystroke "Ctrl or Cmmd + R"
  7. Press the bookmarklet to run this script

Submission Category:

My PHP web app belongs in the App Service category. PHP 8 is used in the project.

Link to Code on GitHub


GitHub logo anthonyalvarez / ytcaption

YTCaption or YouTube Transcription was created because there are so many amazing 20 minute to 2 hours videos that we do not have the time to watch. So this is the perfect tool to keep on top of all your favorite YouTube Podcasts. You won't believe how useful it is!


YTCaption - YouTube Transcriber Bookmarklet

Reasons You Will Love YTCaption:

--> Scan the transcript --> It's finally readable --> Consume YouTube videos twice as fast --> Watch and read so you don't miss anything

Use this with your Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) system to extract content from a YouTube video. Put your atomic notes in a Zettelkasten vault inside Obsidian. Create smart notes from YouTube videos quickly and easily.

YTCaption was created because there are so many amazing 20 minute to 2 hours videos that we do not have the time to watch.

So this is the perfect tool to keep on top of all your favourite YouTube Podcasts.

You won't be believe how useful it is!

Why sit through the whole entire video just to see what the person is going to be talking about when YTCaption can give you a full YouTube transcript? Wouldn't that be nice?


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