DEV Community

What are your favorite non-dev activities to do after a solid day of coding?

Antonin J. (they/them) on February 18, 2021

I love coding but I like to also switch things up to keep my mind fresh and to relax. What do you like to do in your time off? Would you recommend ...
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I've been working on a puzzle and it's been really satisfying.

kaelscion profile image

1) Play video games with friends
2) Read and write fiction and short stories (I've been into writing fairy tales lately)
3) Watch TV/Movies with my wife
4) Play the guitar
5) Attempt to learn Japanese and practice on the LearnJapanese Discord voice chat
6) Used to really like taking walks with my wife and dog but COVID keeps us in mostly
7) Exercise like running or the gym used to be a big deal to me at the end of the day to help me decompress but, see #6.

zenmnky profile image
Justin Hager

Movement, Music, and Chill

  • Practice a new footbag trick
  • AcroYoga when I'm fortunate enough to meet with my movement partner
  • Develop and/or explore playlists on Spotify
  • Write. Write down those insights that pop into the mind and seem profound and directional, and seem in the moment like they'll last, but have shown be as transient as a dream and require writing to digest and integrate

Persist well 😃

ironcladdev profile image
Conner Ow

1) Eat
2) Watch tv
3) start coding again
4) unleash my fullstack dev skills
5) repeat

luccabiagi profile image
Lucca Biagi de Paula Prado

1) Play VideoGames
2) Play Ocarina
3) Watch something

mikemai2awesome profile image
Mike Mai

Play Marvel Contest of Champions.

dietertroy profile image

Honestly, working on the yard. Less technology, the better!

blasepinkert profile image

1) Cooking
2) Hang out with Partner and Pets
3) Game With Friends
4)Rebuild my car or Detail my partner's car

mattryanmtl profile image
Matt Ryan

1) Read a chapter or two of some fiction.
2) Work on my cross stitch or embroidery projects
3) Go for a nice long bike ride. In the winter, a nice long walk.
4) Cook

danidiaztech profile image
Daniel Diaz

1) Play basket
2) Hang out with friends
3) Play phone games
4) Solve Rubik's Cubes

zilti_500 profile image
Daniel Ziltener

Gaming, reading, swing dancing, watching/listening Doctor Who, or maybe something else.

elmoogym profile image
Amr Elmoogy

Play video games like Call of duty.
Open YouTube and see a funny video.
Talk with other friends - tbh it is the best thing you do -

wendhsz profile image
  1. workout, I set a goal to lose 17kg this year
  2. play games
  3. talk to friends about anything
  4. eat outside with my significant other