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Antonio Falcão Jr.
Antonio Falcão Jr.

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[Quick Tip] Dump the configuration easily and improve the developer experience.

Always knowing the state of the application is a sign that the system is under control, but sometimes this is not trivial.

Depending on the environment, it is not a simple task to access the application settings, and making this information available in the wrong location can expose vulnerabilities.

With this simple approach is possible to define a complete and safely dump for configuration settings.

Route approache

Create an IEndpointRouteBuilder extensions method to encapsulate details and guarantee the right environment:

public static class EndpointRouteBuilderExtensions
    public static void MapDumpConfig(this IEndpointRouteBuilder endpoints, string pattern, 
        IConfigurationRoot configurationRoot, bool isProduction)
        if (isProduction) return;

            pattern: pattern,
            requestDelegate: context 
                => context.Response.WriteAsync(
                    text: configurationRoot.GetDebugView(), 
                    cancellationToken: context.RequestAborted));
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As we can see, if the environment is the Production one, the configuration will be skipped.

Now, specify the middleware configuration details in Startup.cs, Adding a RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder with /dump-config pattern:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
            endpoints =>
                        pattern: "/dump-config",
                        configurationRoot: _configuration as IConfigurationRoot,
                        isProduction: _env.IsProduction());
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The resource will respond in http://localhost/dump-config.

Log approache

If prefer, is it possible to deliver the dump for a log service. In this case, is not necessary the skip statement:

public static void MapDumpConfig(this IEndpointRouteBuilder endpoints, string pattern, 
    IConfigurationRoot configurationRoot, ILogger logger)
        pattern: pattern,
        requestDelegate: context =>
                logger.LogInformation("{Settings}", configurationRoot.GetDebugView());

                return context.Response.WriteAsync(
                    text: "Configuration dumped successfully.", 
                    cancellationToken: context.RequestAborted);
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And then, propagate the log resource:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app , ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
            endpoints =>
                        pattern: "/dump-config",
                        configurationRoot: _configuration as IConfigurationRoot,
                        logger: loggerFactory.CreateLogger<Startup>());
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Multiple strategy approache

public static void MapDumpConfig(this IEndpointRouteBuilder endpoints, string pattern, 
    IConfigurationRoot configurationRoot, bool isProduction, ILogger logger)
        pattern: pattern, 
        requestDelegate: context 
            => isProduction ? DumpToLogAsync(context) : DumpToResponseAsync(context));

    Task DumpToResponseAsync(HttpContext context)
        => context.Response.WriteAsync(
            text: configurationRoot.GetDebugView(), 
            cancellationToken: context.RequestAborted);

    Task DumpToLogAsync(HttpContext context)
        logger.LogInformation("{Settings}", configurationRoot.GetDebugView());

        return context.Response.WriteAsync(
            text: "Configuration dumped successfully", 
            cancellationToken: context.RequestAborted);
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In this way, we can improve the developer experience given a simple way to check the actual state of the system.

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