Today I was solving a problem on Codewars. I somehow forgot about a very simple function that can check if an element is a member of a list.
This of course led me to stackoverflow. You can find an interest hack there that was posted by AtnNn:
First find the type of the function you need.
To "Check if" means to return either True or False, a Bool.
So the function takes an Int, a list of Int (aka [Int]) and returns Bool:
Int -> [Int] -> Bool
Now ask hoogle.
elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
Hoogle is a very useful tool. You can integrate it with ghci.
This hack to use type signatures on Hoogle is such a wonderful thing. It makes Haskell even more intuitive.
What kind of Haskell hacks do you use?
P.S. If I remembered the function "elem" I wouldn't probably find out about that hack for a long time.
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