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My Journey to Becoming an AWS Cloud Club Captain


I’m Anushka Saxena, an AWS Cloud Club Captain at the International Institute of Professional Studies, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, a university located in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. Tech Communities are where I belong and Cloud Computing has always fascinated me. Throughout my journey as a student, I have been driven to share my knowledge, empower others and give back to my community. With the opportunity to become an AWS Cloud Club Captain, I found the perfect platform to create a community focused on exploring the Cloud’s vast potential. If you love to organize and speak at events, share resources, and upskill your peers in Cloud Computing with AWS then, this program is for you! In this blog, I will share my journey and how I got through the selection process.

Program Benefits

This program is more than cool swag and freebies, although those are fantastic bonuses. It's about professional growth and incredible perks that will propel your career forward. Let's dive into the exclusive benefits* that await you as a member of the AWS Cloud Club Captains Community:

program benefits

It all started when I attended an event organized by the AWS User Group Jaipur. Mr. Mustafa Saifee, a community member, explained the whole program and its benefits, inspiring me to apply.

Next Steps

• On February 6, 2023, I received an email from Ms. Tracy Wang, our community manager, announcing the official launch of AWS Cloud Clubs in 10 regions worldwide. These regions include Australia, Bangladesh, France, India, Ireland, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, United Kingdom, and the United States. I received the mail because I had previously expressed interest by filling out this form.

• The first part of the application process involved filling out a form that consisted of 4 essay-type questions:

  1. Please tell us why you are interested in founding a Cloud Club in your region, school, or peer group.
  2. Please tell us your relevant education that can help you lead a cloud-focused student community.
  3. Please tell us your relevant technical skills, languages, or certifications that can help you lead as a voice for tech-curious students.
  4. Please tell us about relevant experiences that make you qualified to become a Captain.

My tips on writing the essays

• Keep your answers short and crisp but make sure to include as many details as possible. These questions test your ability to summarize content.
• Be honest about your experiences and share real-life examples where you’ve demonstrated leadership, public speaking, and relevant technical skills.
• Run your answers through a plagiarism check and ensure that there are no grammatical errors before submission.
• DO NOT submit AI-generated answers. While it’s okay to take inspiration on how to structure your answer but a human touch is what makes your answer authentic and stand out.
• Stick to the word limit and avoid over-expressing yourself.
• I prepared a bullet-point list of all the things to include. When writing the final answers, I simply combined everything.

Next Round of Application

• If you get shortlisted in the first round, you’ll be asked to create a 5-minute video explaining an AWS service.
• I chose AWS EC2 and prepared a video covering the introduction, benefits, and a quick walk-through to create an EC2 instance on the AWS console.

My Tips on video creation

• To gather content ideas, check out the AWS Student Hub or AWS Developers’ YouTube Channel
• Keep your videos concise and impactful. If possible, include special elements like a hands-on demo or animations to make your submission stand out.
• Remember- “Content is King”. In the end, the quality of your content is all that matters.
• Adhere to the specified time limit.
• Find a well-lit room for recording and ensure your face is visible as you present the slides.
• It is good practice to upload your video to YouTube and share the link (adding a catchy thumbnail and a description is a bonus). If you’re uploading it to the cloud, make sure to provide viewer access before submission.
• Here’s a bar-raising video you can refer to while preparing your video.

Now, let's get back to my unexpected twist in this journey. When I received the rejection email initially, it caught me off guard and for a moment, I felt a bit disheartened.

rejection mail

However, fate had other plans in store for me. Within a few hours, another email landed in my inbox, acknowledging the mistake, and confirming my selection for the next step.

acknowledgement mail

With renewed excitement and determination, I submitted the video and became one of the first 50 AWS Cloud Club Captains for the Spring 2023 cohort worldwide!

Selection mail

Here's the deal: The program is quite selective but having good experience with cloud computing, possessing a passion for inspiring students and managing tech communities based on AWS, and creating a supportive network of like-minded individuals will give you an edge- you’d be a great fit!

Oh, and how could I forget to mention my welcome swag!!!!


The applications for the Spring cohort are open around late February and for the fall cohort, they open around late July. You can always get in the know by visiting the official page.
So, what are you waiting for? Join AWS Cloud Clubs today and kickstart your cloud journey with AWS.
Follow AWS Cloud Club IIPS for exciting events, workshops, and hands-on sessions today!


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Top comments (2)

shashwat_g27 profile image
Shashwat Gupta

Good one mam!! Keep it up

stephenhowell profile image
Stephen Howell

Lovely to read about this journey from the student's perspective, proud to be on the team creating this program!