
April Shenk
April Shenk

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I'm not lost in the maze... Yet.

You’re building your own maze, in a way, and you might just get lost in it. - Marijn Haverbeke

Week 4 of 12

Last week was project week. It was an amazing feeling to finally build something tangible. It was amazing to present my web app to the class and share the progress I've made with my friends and family. My fellow classmate's projects were fascinating to watch. They all were unique and the progress each person has made from day one is truly astonishing and inspiring.

On my day one, I had a decent grasp of the basics for each, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and the DOM. I was able to work with each language individually but struggled when it came to incorporating them together. Within a couple of weeks, I have solidified my understanding of JavaScript Methods and starting learning about Asynchronous JavaScript, AXIOS, Async and Await, working with promises and API's. I was also about to understand what an HTML defer tag does and how to work with CSS Flexbox.

Today we dive into React and I am excited because I have heard multiple times now that once you learn how to work with React you'll never want to write vanilla JavaCcript again. As I am less familiar with React I am a little nervous but I also eager to learn more.

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