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Arash Jangali
Arash Jangali

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Building a Message Component for My Project

Today, on day 86 of my #100DaysOfCode challenge, I worked on my project and made some progress. I created a message component that I'm working on to render conditionally when the liked users are clicked on. This feature will allow users to send messages to each other through the app, making it easier to connect and communicate with potential clients or contractors.

Implementing this feature was challenging, but it was a lot of fun. I started by creating the message component, which will be responsible for rendering the message form and handling the message submission. Then, I had to figure out how to conditionally render the message component when the user clicks on a liked user.

Once I had the message component rendering correctly, I had to implement the functionality for sending messages. When the user selects a liked user, they will be able to send a message that will end up in their document in the database. This required me to write some backend code to handle the message submission and store it in the appropriate document.

Overall, it was a productive and satisfying day of coding. I'm excited to continue working on this feature and seeing how it improves the user experience for the app.

Top comments (2)

judaaaa profile image
Judah Dasuki

Wow, that's a cool feature bro. love it!👍

arashjangali profile image
Arash Jangali

Thank you, Judah! 🙏😄