DEV Community

Arash Jangali
Arash Jangali

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Working on Matching and User Interface Improvements for the project

Day 82 of #100DaysOfCode and today I made some great progress on the project. I wrote the code for the other side of users to capture the user ID of liked users and send them along with the signed-in user's ID to the backend and to the database.

As I was working on the project, I realized that I enjoy working on the server-side more than the frontend. Although frontend development can be fun, I find the logic of server-side programming more engaging. It's exciting to struggle with a problem and finally figure it out.

Although I didn't work as much on my project as other days, I also spent time learning from a Udemy course by Angela Yu (she is awesome!). I'm on the last module, where we're learning Motoko for IC and web3. But, my main focus is still my project.

Tomorrow, I plan to start working on filtering and retrieving users based on the fact that they have liked each other. This feature is crucial for the matching algorithm, which will suggest potential matches to users based on their preferences and previous swipes.

Additionally, I'm considering changing the component structure and pages of the frontend a bit, and adding transitions to the routing between pages when users press buttons. These changes will make the user experience more seamless and intuitive.

Overall, I'm happy with my progress and excited to continue working on the project. I'll keep you updated on my journey and progress as I continue on this exciting path of learning and growth.

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