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Areeb ur Rub
Areeb ur Rub

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Google Search Operators, Cheat Sheet

Everyone search on Google to find answers and many problems are resolved also by using Google.

But sometimes it may happened with you too that you are trying to find something again and again but getting all unnecessary stuffs every time, and that's the point where Search Operators can be used.

Search Operators are basically filters for search and can be added after a search query.
like this:

List of Operators

  • (-) Exclude : This operator excludes the results that included in this term.
    eg : best search engine -google

  • ( filetype: ) : term specified under this expression will tell search engine to show results of specific filetype.
    eg: covid 19 guidelines filetype:pdf

  • ( related: ) : As it's name say's the term specified under this expression will tell search engine to show related stuff only.
    eg: Tesla related:Scientist or Tesla related:Cars

  • (" ") must include : This is used to must include the terms in double quotes in search results
    eg: how to make cake "egg"

  • ( site: ) on website : the website specified under this expression will only be shown in the results.
    eg: javascripts

  • (|) OR : This can be used to search 2 things at once and the pipe sign work as OR.
    eg: popup menu using javascript|jquery

  • ( intext: ) : This searches for terms in the pages body it's similar to include but slightly different, like this one we also have intitle: or inurl:

  • (@) Social Media : This is used to search a particular social media for results.
    eg: areeburrub @twitter

Above I have specified some useful expressions only which I use if you have some more comment to let me know.

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