
Cover image for Use this tool to make color palette for your next project.
Areeb ur Rub
Areeb ur Rub

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Use this tool to make color palette for your next project.

Whenever we design something we usually use color and it gives our project feel and texture, any project must have a color schema like hierarchy for colors. is the best website I think to choose colors from, it throws random colors and you can make a color palette out of it.

The tools have are super cool you can do what ever you want from the colors.

Other than usually color picker chart it also have a color picker for photos means you can pick colors from your photos and make a palette.

There a weird feature also called the color blindness mode where you can select what type of color blind one is and it will filter the color for them.

Coolors was released in 2014 and it maker is Fabrizio Bianchi

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