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9 libraries to kickstart your Web Audio stuff

Arek Nawo on February 13, 2019

This post is taken from my blog, so be sure to check it out for more up-to-date content πŸ˜‰ As a web developer, you most likely should crave to crea...
korilakkuma profile image
Tomohiro IKEDA β€’ β€’ Edited

Hi, I'm XSound author. In the future, XSound will support audio streaming with Media Source Extensions. XSound supports Visual Audio Sprite from the latest release. Demo is here or !

philgiggles profile image
hotelbuddy-online β€’

I love your library, thanks a million. I'm trying to move to React and I can't find any examples. I'm having problems . Thanks

vjai profile image
Vijaya Anand β€’

Please checkout musquito too... It's a tiny library built on pure vanilla JS. Uses Web Audio API under the hood.


guergana profile image
Guergana Tzatchkova β€’

Hello, cool article! Where are you based? I am looking for speakers for the Web Audio Meetup in Berlin.

areknawo profile image
Arek Nawo β€’

Thanks for kind words, but I'm not currently interested in taking part in conferences.

guergana profile image
Guergana Tzatchkova β€’

Ok. Thanks!

ronaldohoch profile image
Ronaldo Hoch β€’

Do you have any tips on streaming audio and preventing the user from downloading the file like Spotify / Deezer?

rdelga80 profile image
Ricardo Delgado β€’

Do you have any recommendations for streaming audio? Line to create a mobile app that connects to an online "radio" stream?

areknawo profile image
Arek Nawo β€’

I might be wrong, but I guess Howler.js will do the job. You can check out the live radio example on its website or... maybe XSound will do.

apayrus profile image
Rustam Apay β€’
a1300 profile image
a1300 β€’ β€’ Edited

Great writeup πŸ‘

Please add the link for the Theresas-sound-world library