Assuming you are writing code, "while true" is a programming construct that creates an infinite loop. The code within the loop will be executed repeatedly until a condition is met to break out of the loop.
# All About the Loop
#28 MARCH 2023
class repet():
def __init__(self,goAgain,answer,counter,addAnother):
self.goAgain = goAgain
self.answer = answer
self.counter = counter
self.addAnother =addAnother
def methode(self):
while True:
print("This program is running")
self.goAgain = input("Go again?: ")
if self.goAgain == "no":
print("Aww, I was having a good time")
def methode1(self):
while True:
self.counter = 0
self.answer = int(input("Enter a number: "))
print("Adding it up!!! ")
self.counter += self.answer
print("Current total is",self.counter)
self.addAnother = input("add another? ")
if self.addAnother =="no":
def call():
t = repet("",0,"", "")
It's important to be careful when using infinite loops in your code, as they can cause your program to become stuck and unresponsive if there is no way to break out of the loop.
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