Today's focus is using all the skills you have learned so far:
input and output
if statements
nested if statements
Build a custom affirmations generator to give the user a customized affirmation each day of the week.
#Nesting Dolls Code
#19 MARCH 2023
def exercise_1():
activity=input("What are you doing in sunday? ")
if activity.lower() == "joging":
print(activity.capitalize(),"is healthy lifestyle!!!.")
Where =input("Where do you joging? ")
if Where == "Hi":
print(activity.capitalize(),"in",Where,"a great place!!!")
print("interesting place")
elif activity.lower() == "sleep":
print(activity.capitalize(),"bad habits!!!")
print("have a nice day")
def call():
The final challenge is to create if statements that do not care about the capitalization of the names entered by the user.
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