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🌟 The Ultimate Developer's Toolkit πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

Arjun Vijay Prakash on January 19, 2024

I always felt a bit lost when I was starting on my programming journey. It's true β€” it was a very frustrating experience. Maybe you're feeling a l...
iamspathan profile image
Sohail Pathan β€’ β€’ Edited

Great list of resources, Arjun! I would like to suggest another tool that should be a part of every developer's toolkit: ApyHub - It is a catalog of 100+ APIs that can help developers implement complex and time-consuming functionalities in minutes.

arjuncodess profile image
Arjun Vijay Prakash β€’

This is pure gold! I appreciate sharing, dude!

eqsbrilldev profile image
EQS β€’

Another tool that will help you gain visibility of the team's activity, set ways of working that allows you to ship code faster is Especially with their AI generated summaries that will allow you to stay on top on your team activity.

arjuncodess profile image
Arjun Vijay Prakash β€’

Thanks for adding to the list, mate!

iyilmaz profile image
ibrahim YILMAZ β€’

what about jetbrains into IDE’s

arjuncodess profile image
Arjun Vijay Prakash β€’

I just forgot! I too have used their IDEs. (PyCharm and IntelliJ Idea)

Thanks for adding up!

shadowruge profile image
izaias β€’

Maravilhosa descrição e orientação, sΓ³ um adendo, que aja mas posts como esse e nos prΓ³ximos indique oque Γ© opensource e oque Γ© prΓ³prio seria uma maravilha a mais... Perfeito πŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ

arjuncodess profile image
Arjun Vijay Prakash β€’

A sugestão de mais posts explicando o que é open source e o que é proprietÑrio seria muito bem-vinda. Compartilharei informaçáes detalhadas sobre esse tema em breve. Fique atento para as próximas publicaçáes. Obrigado!

shadowruge profile image
izaias β€’

Obrigado por responder prontamente, em relação ao open e o prop. Digo tabem em relação aos software que vc expΓ΄s no artigo, mas fico feliz por sua disposição β€οΈπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ˜

Thread Thread
arjuncodess profile image
Arjun Vijay Prakash β€’

Sim, estarei escrevendo sobre isso em breve. Obrigado pelos seus comentÑrios! Fico feliz que tenha apreciado a leitura e que as informaçáes tenham sido úteis. Estou à disposição para qualquer outra dúvida ou discussão.

ashishk1331 profile image
Ashish Khare😎 β€’

The only editor one should chose is vs code, or if you're from 10's chose sublime text. πŸ˜‚

Rest it is a great list. πŸ‘πŸ»

arjuncodess profile image
Arjun Vijay Prakash β€’

Haha πŸ˜‚, agree. VSCode is my favourite too!

ritirathod0 profile image
Riti Rathod β€’

Awesome list

sanjaykhanssk profile image
SSK β€’

you can checkout for building UI without API, for hosting website very fast and easy for free

arjuncodess profile image
Arjun Vijay Prakash β€’

Thanks for adding to the list! Your contributions are much appreciated.

lilxyzz profile image
Travis β€’

Killer list πŸ”₯

arjuncodess profile image
Arjun Vijay Prakash β€’

Thanks for the kind words!

philopaterwaheed profile image
philo san β€’

very helpful thank you

arjuncodess profile image
Arjun Vijay Prakash β€’

I'm glad you liked it!

sudhil profile image
Sudhil Raj K β€’

Great listπŸ‘

arjuncodess profile image
Arjun Vijay Prakash β€’

I am grateful I could help.

web3underbelly profile image
Sam β€’

Thanks for your time in compiling this list... great help even with 20 years experience!

arjuncodess profile image
Arjun Vijay Prakash β€’

I'm glad the list was helpful to you