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> Dynamic SVG in Vue with Vite

Let me show you a super useful implementation of Vite's Glob Imports: creating a wrapper component for displaying SVGs.

This Vue 3 component below imports all files that

  • are located in /src/assets/svg folder, and
  • have .svg extension
// BaseSvg.vue

  <div v-html="svg" v-if="svg"></div>

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed } from "vue";

const props = defineProps<{
  name: string;

const modules = import.meta.glob("/src/assets/svg/*.svg", {
  query: "?raw",
  import: "default",
  eager: true,

const svg = computed(() => {
  return modules["/src/assets/svg/" + ( ?? "") + ".svg"] ?? null;

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Here's what we need to do when we add a new SVG to the project:

  1. Drop the file in the /svg folder
  2. Import the BaseSvg component and use it in the template
  3. Pass the filename we want to display, as the name prop.
// script
import BaseSvg from "@/components/BaseSvg.vue";

// template
<BaseSvg name="heart-icon" class="w-12 text-slate-500" />
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💡TIP: Set each svg file's width and height to "100%", and fill (or stroke) to "currentColor". This will help with adding styles to the component. Eg.:

// heart-icon.svg

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M2 9.1371C2 14 6.01943 16.5914 8.96173 18.9109C10 19.7294 11 20.5 12 20.5C13 20.5 14 19.7294 15.0383 18.9109C17.9806 16.5914 22 14 22 9.1371C22 4.27416 16.4998 0.825464 12 5.50063C7.50016 0.825464 2 4.27416 2 9.1371Z" fill="currentColor"/>
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So, there you have it. This wrapper component comes really handy in projects that use many custom icons. It helps DRYing up the code and keeping maintenance at a minimum.

Good luck, and have fun using it!

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