DEV Community

Bharat Arya
Bharat Arya

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VSC my first project

My First Project

Link to Code

How I built it

It is a very basics clone of git written in C, and use difference algorithm to differentiate between file. I used core C to create file and keep a log of different files when an change is done in the files.
One can create a new repo which keep a track of all the differetn version of code upon commit and one can revertive back to those old version.


SO this was my first real project during my bachlors, this one is special because we didnt knew how to make project presentable, so it started with lot of disscusion of differnt technlogy which one to choose, finally we decied to keep it low and something related to opensource so we choose to make a version control system, idea was good so was the sprit, but as we got into the reaserach and understanding the core alogs of GIT we thought that we have choose a worg project, but we tried and made a simple VSC.

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