I was working on a Custom CMS developed by myself in Ruby on Rails. I wanted to use short codes to display the images into my pages. I am posting this part of my work here, which I posted in medium a year ago.
I was able to detect the short codes saved in db and convert into respective gallery. Its very easy and simple to do.
Create shortcodes of Gallery
Create a short codes of each gallery items like [media slug=βgalleryβ], each gallery has unique slug and are associated with the images or media uploads of any types. You can implement any of our own methods on creating gallery.
Add a helper to detect shortcode and display gallery.
I added a page_helper to detect the shortcode and convert the shortcode into the responsive gallery.
module PagesHelper
def render_media_gallery(content)
content.to_s.gsub(/\[media slug="([^"]+)"\]/) do |match|
slug = $1
uploads = MediaLibrary.friendly.find(slug).uploads
if uploads.any?
links = uploads.map do |upload|
content_tag(:div, link_to(image_tag(upload.file, class: "img-responsive img-responsive-1x1 rounded border"), rails_blob_path(upload.file, disposition: "attachment")), class: "col")
content_tag(:div, links, class: "row row-cols-6 g-3", "data-controller": "lightbox")
"Media not found for slug: #{slug}"
For references, following are the models used to create a media manager with the power of Rails and StimulusController.
class MediaLibrary < ApplicationRecord
has_many :uploads
extend FriendlyId
friendly_id :slug_candidates, use: :slugged
def slug_candidates
[:name] + Array.new(6) {|index| [:name, index+2]}
def should_generate_new_friendly_id? #will change the slug if the name changed
name_changed? || super
class Upload < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :media_library, optional: true
has_one_attached :file, dependent: :destroy
Thank you! Happy Coding.
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