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Cover image for Clean up resources with kube-janitor
Ashok Nagaraj
Ashok Nagaraj

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Clean up resources with kube-janitor


Clean up (delete) Kubernetes resources after a configured TTL (time to live)


The application is deployed as a deployment with escalated privileges. It listens to API requests to the API server, has an internal schedule queue (probably) and then deletes resources upon a rule match.

Reference repo

# pick files from
# update rules.yaml as necessary
> cat rules.yaml
# remove deployments and statefulsets with a "demo" label set after 3 days
- id: cleanup-demo-objects
    - deployments
    - statefulsets
  jmespath: "(spec.template.metadata.labels.demo)"
  ttl: 3d
# remove all deployments and jobs named "pr-*" after 6 hours
- id: cleanup-pr-deployments
    - deployments
    - jobs
  jmespath: "starts_with(, 'pr-')"
  ttl: 6h
# delete all resources within the "temp-*" namespace after 3 days
- id: cleanup-temp-namespaces
    - namespaces
  jmespath: "starts_with(, 'temp-')"
  ttl: 3d
# delete all PVCs which are not mounted and not referenced by StatefulSets after 4 days
- id: remove-unused-pvcs
    - persistentvolumeclaims
  jmespath: "_context.pvc_is_not_mounted && _context.pvc_is_not_referenced"
  ttl: 4d

> kubectl apply -k .
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There are 3 ways of using this tool

  1. Annotate the object with a janitor/ttl annotation. Useful for CI/CD scenario
    > kubectl annotate deploy test-app-dep janitor/ttl=24h

  2. Annotate the object with a janitor/expires annotation. Useful for dangling jobs/cronjobs
    > kubectl annotate deploy nginx janitor/expires=2022-03-31

  3. Update the rules file (edit it and (re)deploy or > kubectl edit configmap kube-janitor). This is the server side automation applicable for policy enforcement

  4. refer rules.yaml for example

  5. use jmespath for writing rules (refer this)


  • namespace level cleanup is not working and there is a PR to add this enhancement
More info

Fascinating to see a python application working almost as a kubernetes CRD without all the complexities.

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