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Ashutosh Verma
Ashutosh Verma

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How I Outranked Competitors and Dominated the SEO for ORNAZ

How I Boost seo Rankings for A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction: Cracking the Code of SEO Success

In my last post, I delved into killer SEO strategies, busting myths like the notion that SEO updates take an eternity and that climbing the ranks requires months of toil. At, we proved these notions wrong, smashing our SEO goals in just 10 days. Within a week, we were trending everywhere, leaving people curious about our secret sauce. Well, get ready, because I’m about to spill the beans on how we nailed it at Ornaz, and how you can replicate our success. checkout google-shopping tab when

Understanding Search Engines: The Basics

Every Search Engine’s Mission

The primary goal of any search engine is to provide users with the most relevant and user-friendly results. To accomplish this, search engines need to thoroughly understand your website and its intended audience. This entails strategically incorporating high-ranking keywords related to your content to help search engines like Google grasp your website’s purpose effortlessly.

Step 1: Keyword Research

Identifying Your Target Audience

To kick off your SEO journey, start with pinpointing your target audience. Utilize tools like Google Ads and Google Analytics to refine your audience targeting. By uploading your user list and leveraging Google Analytics to pass essential user details, you provide Google with a clear picture of your audience, enhancing your targeting precision.

Using Keyword Tools

Tools such as SEMrush and Ubersuggest are your best friends when it comes to identifying top-ranking keywords in your industry. Keep a close eye on your competitors’ traffic and snag their high-performing keywords. Integrate these keywords into your content strategy to elevate your SEO game and stay ahead of the curve.

Embracing Long-Tail Keywords

In the realm of SEO, generic, template-based, or overly long-phrased content won’t cut it. Google favors uniqueness and engagement. Opt for long-tail keywords that align closely with user intent, and steer clear of AI-generated or repetitive content. At Ornaz, we humanized our SEO titles, descriptions, and keywords generated by AI, ensuring authenticity and relevance.

Step 2: On-Page SEO: Optimizing for Success

Optimizing Meta Tags

Meta tags play a pivotal role in helping search engines understand and display your content. At, we’ve implemented comprehensive meta tags to enhance our SEO. Peek into our page source to witness our meticulous implementation. please refer to explore variety of meta tags.

Optimization Image alt text

Images are more than just eye candy; they can significantly impact your SEO. Opt for descriptive alt text rich in high-ranking keywords.

Leveraging Tag Attributes

Attributes like “rel” attribute follow play a crucial role in SEO. Ensure you understand their significance and implement them effectively to optimize your website’s search engine visibility.

Step 3: Technical SEO: Building a Solid Foundation

Image Compression

Efficient image compression can drastically reduce your page load times. At Ornaz, we prioritize image optimization by converting most images into optimized versions, resulting in a substantial decrease in page size upto 80%, tinypng is best for image compression.

Enhancing Site Speed

Speed matters in the digital realm. By serving static content with a 7-day cache policy from a CDN with a lightning-fast response time, we achieved remarkable improvements in site speed. please refer my previous post ornaz-desktop-lighthouse-metrices

Embracing SSL

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is non-negotiable in today’s cyber landscape. By targeting the latest TLS version 1.3, we fortified our website’s security and bolstered our SEO performance. SSL employs multiplexing to enhance load speed. However, SSL chaining can lead to higher SSL/TLS decryption latency.

Harnessing JSON-LD

JSON-LD is a potent tool for providing structured data to Google. By embedding JSON-based information within our pages, we enriched Google’s understanding of our content, thereby enhancing our visibility in search results. here are some visible results that come from json-ld data.

Populating breadcrumbs using json-ld

Populating Review Snippets using json-ld

Populating sitelinks-searchbox using json-ld

tagging videos using json-ld to seo

tagging product snippets using json-ld

Impressive isn’t it? Here’s how you can also do this:

  1. FAQs : Refer this FAQ.
  2. Homepage : Add Author, Reviews, and Organization details Refer this for Homepage.
  3. Catalog Page : Refer this for Catalog Schema for catalog pages.
  4. PDP Pages : Refer this for PDP schema for product detail pages.
  5. Articles and Tutorials : Please refer to Google’s structured data documentation.

Step 4: SEO-Friendly HTML5 Tags: Structuring for Success

Leveraging SEO-Friendly HTML5 Tags

HTML5 offers a plethora of tags optimized for SEO, from “header” to “footer” and everything in between. By structuring our website with these tags, we enhanced crawlability and indexing, propelling our SEO endeavors forward.

Steering Clear of Client-Side Rendering

While Google can execute JavaScript, client-side rendering may hinder your SEO efforts. Whenever possible, opt for server-side rendering to expedite page load times and improve first contentful paint (FCP).

Rejecting Cloaking

Cloaking, the practice of presenting different content to search engines and users, is a surefire way to incur Google’s wrath. Focus on delivering valuable, user-centric content rather than resorting to deceptive tactics.

Final Step: Monitoring and Analytics: Fine-Tuning Your Strategy

Harnessing Google Analytics

Google Analytics serves as your SEO command center, providing invaluable insights into your website’s performance. Monitor metrics like organic traffic, bounce rate, and conversion rates to gauge the effectiveness of your SEO efforts.

Tracking SEO Metrics

In addition to Google Analytics, tools like Google Search Console offer a treasure trove of data to refine your SEO strategy. Keep a close eye on keyword rankings, click-through rates, and backlinks to continually optimize your approach.

Conclusion: Empowering Your SEO Journey

FAQs: Unlocking the Mysteries of SEO

Q1: How long does it take to see results from SEO efforts? A1: While SEO isn’t an overnight miracle, diligent optimization can yield noticeable results within weeks, as demonstrated by our experience at Ornaz.

Q2: Is SEO a one-time effort, or does it require ongoing maintenance? A2: SEO is an ongoing endeavor that demands consistent attention and adaptation to evolving algorithms and user behavior.

Q3: Can I boost my SEO rankings through paid advertising alone? A3: Paid advertising can complement your SEO strategy, but sustainable long-term success requires a holistic approach encompassing both organic and paid tactics.

Q4: Are backlinks still relevant for SEO in 2024? A4: Absolutely! High-quality backlinks remain a cornerstone of effective SEO, signaling to search engines the credibility and authority of your website.

Q5: How can I recover from a Google penalty due to black hat SEO tactics? A5: Recovery from a Google penalty entails rectifying the offending practices, submitting a reconsideration request, and implementing white hat SEO strategies to rebuild trust with search engines.

indexed pages from

By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide and staying vigilant in monitoring your SEO performance, you’re well-equipped to ascend the ranks and claim your rightful place atop the search engine results pages. Happy optimizing!


after doing this I was able to get much better SEO results and we were trending everywhere. here is a quick sneak peek of better and formatted results.

Perfect Product tagging with filters in Google Image search results:

Perfect Product tagging in Google image results:

Json-ld reflects on people and also includes a question section:

Json-ld reflecting into people asks

Formatted results for products including ratings and other details on Google search results:

Formatted results for products including ratings

SEO #DigitalMarketing #SEOStrategy #KeywordResearch #OnPageSEO #TechnicalSEO #ContentMarketing #JSONLD #WebsiteOptimization #GoogleRankings #MetaTags #SearchEngineOptimization

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