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Discussion on: Daily Coding Puzzles - Oct 29th - Nov 2nd

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel


Count of positives / sum of negatives (8 KYU):

Return an array, where the first element is the count of positives numbers and the second element is sum of negative numbers.


choroba profile image
E. Choroba
#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;

use List::Util qw{ sum0 };

sub cpsn {
    return unless @_;
    my @neg = grep $_ <= 0, @_;
    return @_ - @neg, sum0(@neg)

use Test::More tests => 5;
is_deeply [cpsn()], [];
is_deeply [cpsn(-1)], [0, -1];
is_deeply [cpsn(0, 0)], [0, 0];
is_deeply [cpsn(2)], [1, 0];
is_deeply [cpsn(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, -11, -12, -13, -14, -15)],
          [10, -65];
thejessleigh profile image
jess unrein

Idk that this is an actual good Go solution - I'm not a Go expert so it can be hard for me to tell sometimes. It's so idiomatically verbose!

func Count(a []int) (r []int) {
    r = make([]int, 0)

    if len(a) == 0 {

    var pos int = 0
    var neg int = 0

    for _, item := range a {
        if item >= 0 {
            pos += 1
        } else {
            neg += item

    r = append(r, pos)
    return append(r, neg)
dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim • Edited

Solved it awhile ago (forgot about it).

Here is a C# answer.

using System.Linq;
using System;

public class Kata
    public static int[] CountPositivesSumNegatives(int[] a)
        // guard clause for edge cases
        if (a == null || a.Length == 0) return new int[0];

        int count = 0;
        int sum = 0;
        // ".ToList()" is required to iterate the sequence
        a.Select(n => n > 0 ? count++ : sum += n).ToList();

        return new[] {count, sum};

And just re-solved it using JavaScript

function countPositivesSumNegatives(input) {
    return (input && input.length >= 1) 
      ? input.reduce((acc, n) => {
          n > 0 ? acc[0]++ : acc[1] += n;
          return acc;
        }, [0, 0]) 
    : [];
aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

Refactored to the code-golfiest thing ever with help of @joshcheek !

const countPositivesSumNegatives=i=>(i||[]).reduce(([c=0,s=0],v)=>v>0?[++c,s]:[c,s+v],[])
tux0r profile image
tux0r • Edited

The golfiest version would probably be in Dyalog APL - even with newlines:

A←1 2 3 ¯4 ¯5 ¯6


6 ¯15
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gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes

I will one day be able to look at APL without my brain leaking out of my ears.

Today is not that day.

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tux0r profile image

This was my first time trying to actually do something with it. It was fun and it still sucked my brains out. (Both of them.)

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joshcheek profile image
Josh Cheek • Edited

Oh holy shit! I was looking at it for several minutes and it started making sense! Maybe because I thought through problem with @aspittel , or maybe this APL is more sensible (the last one I saw, someone had spilled a bag of unicode across its source).

I'm using Ruby's comment syntax because IDK how to do it in APL

# Haskell uses arrows for assignment in `do` blocks.
# Whitespace delimited numbers are a thing in lisp.
# The high bar looks a lot like a minus sign, so:

A←                 # set into the variable A
A←1 2 3 ¯4 ¯5 ¯6   # the list of numbers: [1, 2, 3, -4, -5, -6]

# Haskell iplements + as a function that you can pass around
# The slash looks like and is used like a shell pipeline.
# Tilde is logical negation in many syntaxes.
# `A` in `A<0` is like SQL, which uses the
# table name to refer to that table's current row.

X←             # set into the variable X
X←+/           # the sum of
X←+/(~         # the numbers which aren't
X←+/(~A<0)/    # negative
X←+/(~A<0)/A   # from the list A

Y←            # set into the variable Y
Y←+/          # the sum of
Y←+/(~        # the variables that aren't
Y←+/(~A>0)/   # positive
Y←+/(~A>0)/A  # from the list A

O←X Y    # set X and Y as the output
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tux0r profile image
tux0r • Edited

maybe this APL is more sensible (the last one I saw, someone had spilled a bag of unicode across its source).

That's the thing with first tries: You mostly write code which is relatively easy to understand. The APL symbol for comments is , by the way. And I have no idea how to write it without a Unicode table. ;-)

Thank you for your explanation. I finally understand wtf I was doing. (I know that I could probably have obfuscated it even more, "not negative" is longer than "positive", but I think I still won.)

bodonferenc profile image
Ferenc Bodon • Edited

Q/kdb+ solution (let l be the input list):

(sum l > 0; sum l where l < 0)
kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman • Edited


let update (count, sum) value =
    if value > 0 then (count + 1), sum
    else              count, (sum + value)

// usage, start with 0 count/sum, update them for each value
let (count, sum) = Array.fold update (0, 0) inputArr

This returns a tuple instead of an array, which I believe is an improvement.

kaelscion profile image

Python 3 solution update. Posted to the wrong part of the discussion :P

def count_and_sum(arr, x):
    if not arr == None and len(arr) > 0:
        ct = len([i for i in arr if i > x])
        sum_neg = sum([i for i in arr if i <= x])
        return [ct, sum_neg]
sdicke profile image
Sebastian Martin Dicke


countPositivesSumNegatives :: [Int] -> [Int]
countPositivesSumNegatives input =
    let positives = length $ filter (>= 0) input in
    let negatives = sum $ filter (<0) input in
    [positives, negatives]
clandau profile image


export function countPositivesSumNegatives(input: number[]) : number[] {
  let positiveCount = 0, negativeSum = 0;
  if(!input || !input.length) return [];
  for(let num of input) {
      if(num <= 0) negativeSum += num;
      else positiveCount++;
  return [positiveCount, negativeSum];
tux0r profile image
(defun monday (in-param)
        ;; positive numbers:
        (apply #'+ (remove-if-not #'plusp in-param))

        ;; negative numbers:
        (apply #'+ (remove-if #'plusp in-param))))


* (monday (list 1 2 5 -2 -7))

(8 -9)
gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes

Common Lisp FTW!