Transitioning from React Native to Flutter for Cross Platform Mobile Development can be a little tough owing to the fact that you've accustomed all your energy to learning React Native to a level that can yield you high walls of confidence but don't be afraid you are not alone.
There must be a reason and that reason is what everything
Flutter is really very easy to move into. There's absolutely no hidden behind the gates just Widgets; Stateless and Stateful Widgets and the Docs are really cool to read. I transitioned from React Native to Flutter a year ago and although I saw React Native intriguing a year ago due to my awesome knowledge on React but I left it all for Flutter even though I had to learn a completely new knowledge which is Dart. I wasn't compelled much because of the new knowledge to be learnt. I made countless research on Dart and figured out that it is easy to delve into if you've ever worked with Javascript, C++, Java or.... I felt at home due to Javascript which was there. Building Apps with Flutter has been amazing and I know the fear of learning a new language to build awesome ideas with Flutter wasn't a barrier I explored.
React Native is cool and this writing is not a medium to kill the awesome infrastructure it is built with. React Native is cool but I think Flutter is more cool 👀😲
Flutter documentation is awesome and easy to understand without falls. You can always explore new options because Flutter is insanely amazing ✨....
A Shopping App developed using Flutter and Dart making use of Provider, Carousel Library, Google FireStore. It's featuring standard modern shopping app UI
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