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Aurnab Das
Aurnab Das

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How to learn Reactjs?

Complete guide to learn React JS
**What do we need to know in advance to learn React?*

  1. Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  2. Must have a good understanding of some ES6 features of Javascript. For example- a) Let and Const; b) Arrow Functions; c) Class and 'this' keyword etc. . You should learn React with a good understanding of the following topics in bold: (Variables; if/else conditions and switch statements; Difference between var, let & const; Functions; Arrays; Array methods like filter, map, reduce etc.; ES6 Concepts; Promises; Callbacks; Async/await; Classes and OOPs Concepts; Working with APIs
  3. Must have a good understanding of Nodejs basics.
  4. Must know the proper use of code editor. Some important topics we need to understand well to learn ReactJS-
  5. Component architecture: One of the good things about React is that it is component-based, allowing developers to break complex code into smaller parts, i.e. components, and help developers organize their code better.
  6. State: State actually holds synchronous variables, suppose you change a State, then all the places where those specific variables are there will be changed.
  7. Pops: This is exactly as the argument is passed to the function.
  8. JSX: JSX, or JavaScript Expressions, is a syntax extension to JavaScript written for use with React. JSX is a technology that allows you to describe how a user interface will appear on a website. Also, have a clear concept about several other things- (5. Styling(CSS) in React; 6. Learn how to connect to APIs with React apps; 7. Functional Components, Class Components; 8. Lifecycle Methods; 9. Handling events; 10. Form; 12. Conditional Rendering; 13 Context 14. Hooks; 15. Higher Order Components; 16. Code Splitting **How long does it take to learn React?
  9. It may take you one to six months to learn React. How much time it takes will depend on your experience in web development and your dedication. *Is learning React difficult? -If you have basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, learning React is not difficult at all given regular time. The more connected you are with web development, the easier it will be for you to learn React. And learning one framework well makes learning other frameworks easier. * Where to learn React? The number one way to learn React is to read the React Documentation. w3school, frecodecamp also has a lot of free content on YouTube - you can learn from there if you want. There are also several paid courses - udemy in English, codecademy teach React very well. Apart from this, React is taught from the very beginning in Programming Hero's web development course in Bengal where some full projects are also shown on React. 40.41% of websites worldwide are now being developed with React with a growing rate of 22%, so those who want to learn React should start soon without delay. Resources are now sufficient - you just have to make decisions and jump in. Best wishes to all.

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