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Adding Custom Domains to your SaaS

Warren Parad on February 25, 2022

You're building out a SaaS solution and realize for one reason or another supporting custom domains for your customers is a must. There are some pr...
amadeojimenez profile image

Very nice article! thanks a lot for the clear explanation.

I am considering implementing this but I am concerned about the limit in distributions per account (200), what if I have thousands of customers? I have read about another solution with just one cname pointing to a load balancer which terminates the SSL connection. Any thoughts?

Thank you!!

wparad profile image
Warren Parad

That's just the default limit:

You don't want to spin up a whole load balancer per customer that is super expensive, and actually the default limit for ALBs is much lower at 50:

amadeojimenez profile image

Hi Warren, thanks for the answer.

Let me clarify,
I don't mean one ELB per customer, but one for all customers. Here the limit is the ammount of certificates per rule in ELB (which is 25 default) although one could pack many in one (ELB supports SAN).
There is the possibility of doing this with nginx + certbot and have no limit.

Somehow (independenly of the service, Cfront, ELB, whatever) configuring and mantaining one per customer feels a bit too much for me.

May be I am just scared XD

frenchcooc profile image
Corentin • Edited

Just sharing that CloudFlare also offers something similar within their CloudFlare for SaaS offering. It's now available with all plans (including their free plan). Price is 100 custom domains for free, then $0.10/month per additional custom domain. Definitely a no-brainer coming from such a trusted brand.

wparad profile image
Warren Parad

Absolutely true, although Cloudflare used to charge $5000/month just to get access to the functionality. There are lots of providers for doing it, this is only one valid way and basically free.

fabiomoretti profile image
Fabio Moretti

What exact offering of cloudflare are you referencing?

frenchcooc profile image
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_alexblokh profile image
Alex Blokh

it does seem like it starts from free

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frenchcooc profile image

It does! Cloudflare for Saas has a free plan which includes up to 100 custom domains

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_alexblokh profile image
Alex Blokh

yeah, for some reason it is extremely unclear with their pricing page
I think they're in a hurry and have to spend some time and refactor it a bit

fredrick_reuben_f5617eefa profile image
Fredrick Reuben

Great article! Here’s how my implementation aligns with what you described: I create CloudFront distributions and SSL certificates for each user as outlined. For domain masking, I use CloudWatch to notify my application when an SSL certificate is issued. My software then automatically updates CloudFront with the custom domain and the newly issued SSL certificate. All values are stored on my server. I would love to here your thoughts on this as well

wparad profile image
Warren Parad

The trouble with using CloudWatch events is that there are many more states to deal with than just "Issued", and there are likely many more resources than just the certificate. In these circumstances, you might want to perform any number of async retries or updates or notifications for the user to get them to complete the validation. So I don't recommend CloudWatch, but instead a Step Function which controls the exact timing of Wait Steps, Retries, and notification Lambda steps to actually do this.

carterbryden profile image
Carter Bryden
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