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Tony Robalik

Could you elaborate on the first point? I've never run into an issue like that, I think.

Regarding duplicate gradle work with CLI and AS, I totally agree. I blame AS for this, though. It does a lot of "magic" behind the scenes that a gradle command on CLI will not do.

On the Groovy point, I remember being confused when I first made the switch from Eclipse to Android Studio and Gradle. But ultimately I became really happy that I was able to write my build logic with a real language! At least Groovy is a JVM language, so the hurdle isn't as great as it could be. It also helped me a lot when I started writing my unit tests with the Spock framework, which uses Groovy. As annoying as it might be, I'd encourage you to spend the time -- you won't regret it! ALSO, I would be remiss if I didn't point out that we can now write our Gradle scripts in Kotlin, so if you've made that switch in your app dev work, you can now use just one language for both.

What kind of configuration do you do with your gradle scripts? I recently managed to shave ~20s off build times by enabling parallel builds (I had to do a bit of work to decouple my 18 gradle modules first, though).