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I failed my AWS exam, but I gave it my best shot. Tips for Exam Retakes.

DevonPatrick Adkins on September 14, 2022

First of all, take a deep breath in, you gave the exam your best shot, where to go from here? Well, I personally have failed all of the AWS Examin...
aditmodi profile image
Adit Modi

Thanks to social media, success is normalized, What isn't discussed or shown is the difficulties that came before the success. Most people are not out there talking about the failures they experienced over and over again before they finally found success. Thank you, Devon for the blog post and sharing your failures.

"You cannot bypass failure before achieving success"

deadki0001 profile image
DevonPatrick Adkins

Your welcome! & 100% Agreed @aditmodi, Social Media does cause this mindset, that we all pass, but seldom do we admit that we first failed before we Succeeded, even Great Inventors like Elon Musk, his Rockets failed too launch 3 - 4 times before he built SpaceX, which today will get man to the Moon and Mars.

dvddpl profile image
Davide de Paolis

of course it feels better to succeed at the first try, but failures are part of the process.

I love the quote from Jocko Willnick

When things are going bad: Don’t get all bummed out, don’t get started, don’t get frustrated. No. Just look at the issue and say: “Good.”
Get up, dust off, reload, recalibrate, re-engage

Congrats for not giving up and finally get your certification

Also agree with other commenters.
What we see of other people successes' is just the tip of an iceberg:
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deadki0001 profile image
DevonPatrick Adkins

Love this @dvddpl excellent contribution to this article. The quote as well by Jocko Willnick, excellent as well!!

jairaencio profile image
Jaira Encio

I also failed mine at first try. I was using aws everyday for my work so i was confident that i would pass the exam without studying that much. After i failed i studied and memorize all concepts and terms and that is how i passed. Skills is a plus but whitepaper is the key.

deadki0001 profile image
DevonPatrick Adkins • Edited

Congratulations on passing @jairaencio, very good point regarding the white papers they are a must!

jadounpushpraj profile image
Pushpraj Singh Jadoun

I also cleared AWS solutions architect associate exam. But I don't know what to do next... . I am in final year of engineering (Information Technology branch). Can someone guide me

deadki0001 profile image
DevonPatrick Adkins

Hey Pushpraj well done on clearing your AWS Solutions Architect! I would say you already pretty well on your way to a great becoming a Cloud Engineer, In your position I would spend my free time putting together a portfolio of Labs to show potential employers you have what it takes to get the job done. Use Social Media as a tool, Such as LinkedIn, Twitter and even, to document your projects on Github Repos and teach others as well. An employer loves nothing better than a Team Player. That would be my focus if I were you, use this time to secure a good Internship or Job, before even having to apply for Jobs. You will see Recruiters reach out to you. Theres a major need for Cloud Engineers and that's from Solutions Architecture, DevOps, Support, Machine Learning there are many domains to go and grow through. Best of Luck @jadounpushpraj

brense profile image
Rense Bakker
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sysionbit profile image
Sysion-bit • Edited

Behind any success there is a series of trial and error, which not everyone wants to show, but they are extremely important to learning. I remember taking exams myself when I was learning the craft of writing. The most important thing is the moment in practice where just knowing theory doesn't improve anything in you, I wrote essays on various topics finding them on resources like check here where there are examples about work. And this way was done not in vain for practice is our everything and this rule applies to any specialty.

ericcartel profile image

I recommend you take practice test from P2PExams to prepare successfully for the AWS certification exam. These practice test will assist you get familiar with the exam pattern and types of questions. This familiarity will remove your stress and enhance your confidence. Furthermore, you will understand key concepts and pass the test with ease.

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