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Monoliths vs Microservices vs Serverless

Frank Osasere Idugboe on November 26, 2022

Introduction When we are building a small-scale or large-scale applications, there are many different ways to go about it. While there i...
restdbjones profile image
Jbee - • Edited

Hi, and thanks for giving perspectives to this important topic. I have been down these paths before and experienced the pains and gains of both patterns.
I think we will see more Microservices and hopefully less of the current overload of infrastructure handling that needs to support them. I.e. extremely advanced and complicated container orchestration and network frameworks (K8S).

kloudmaster profile image
Frank Osasere Idugboe

Hi Jones, You are actually correct and most firms are even going serverless

gtogbes profile image
Ogbeide Godstime Osemenkhian

Great article

kloudmaster profile image
Frank Osasere Idugboe

Thank you Ogbeide

jefflindholm profile image
Jeff Lindholm

One thing most people fail to do in microservices is actually make them microservices (data is tied to the service and no other service can access the data directly) most people make 'small services' that do one thing but share datastore(s) with other 'small services' - this is not a bad thing, it just is NOT microservices.

nkhaitan1030 profile image
Nitin Khaitan

25 reasons why an organisation should use Microservice. It is a practice not just for technology but it enables businesses and consumers also.

sloan profile image
Sloan the DEV Moderator


This is an awesome post! 🔥 In fact, the topic of your post would also work really well in The Ops Community too!

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The Ops Community is a place for cloud engineers to share tips & tricks, tutorials, and career insights. Folks there commonly share information about DevOps and SecOps topics amongst other things.

Would you consider posting this article there too? Because The Ops Community is built on the same platform as DEV (Forem) you can fairly easily copy the Markdown and post your article there as well.

Really hope that you'll share your post with the community there and consider browsing the other Forem communities out there!

kloudmaster profile image
Frank Osasere Idugboe

Alrigth, Thank you

rodrigorellana profile image

amazing explanation! thank you...
regarding the topic I found this frame, lol

joisephdev profile image
Roimer Peraza

Excellent article. Thank you

kloudmaster profile image
Frank Osasere Idugboe

Thank you

yukikimoto profile image
Yuki Kimoto
