Cover image by Caspar Camille Rubin
Live streaming is becoming more and more popular. Platforms like Twitch and YouTube allow you to stream usin...
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¡Thanks for the awesome tutorial Nader!, I'm getting this error. ./src/App.js
Module not found: Can't resolve 'video.js' in '/Users/gabriel/my-streaming-app/src' ¿Any ideas of what could I be doing wrong?
Hey, just updated the tutorial with the install step:
Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for pointing this out!
Thanks man, ¡now it works wonderfully!. Nice job
Remember to stop or delete your channel and associated resources when you're done! Otherwise, it'll cost you about $40/day.
Yes, thank you, I've updated the tutorial to show the pricing!
Folks, who are using React Native,
if you need to stream videos, without "OBS" directly from mobile device, you can try this library: github.com/NodeMedia/react-native-...
Its "API" looks like this:
style=height: 400
ref=(vb) => this.vb = vb
outputUrl = "rtmp://" ---> maybe AWS URL here ??
camera= cameraId: 1, cameraFrontMirror: true
audio= bitrate: 32000, profile: 1, samplerate: 44100
video= preset: 12, bitrate: 400000, profile: 1, fps: 15, videoFrontMirror: false
After taking look at inputs formats at docs.aws.amazon.com/medialive/late... and
I guess it should work.
***I removed the brackets ({,}) from the code because I could not submit comment with them - sorry.
How Will I deploy it to the server? And how my server will know about my PC? seems like anyone would be able to stream on this code, or the CLI installed on the laptop makes a connection? What about authorization?
Thanks for this great post! I've been heavily focused on learning and using serverless technologies and JAMstack for the past year because I see it as the future.
Great to hear, thank you for checking out my post 💯
This is exactly what I've been waiting for.
Thanks for this post.
Is not this basically a copy paste of this readme? github.com/awslabs/amplify-video/b...
That’s the repo I linked to, no If you compare the two you’ll see they are different
OK I will trust you. Just got a very deja vue when reading that readme. With alot of the similar code and similar wording. On the setup: copyleaks.com/businesses/report/dx...
Hi, does it work for RTSP webcams too ?
Keep getting this error on amplify push command.
Following resources failed
Resource Name: rLambdaFunction (AWS::Lambda::Function)
Event Type: create
Reason: Could not unzip uploaded file
Any way you fixed the error? Having the same issue
i am a react native developer so kindly guide me to do this with react-native?
Thanks for the awesome tutorial . I Have question about this? i sharing one website: onthefly.stream/ what mention there are using
Great tutorial!! Many thanks!
Very cool article -- thank you! The amplify video service is not available in all regions. It might be nice to add that disclaimer, maybe in the video walkthrough configuring the Amplify CLI.