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๐Ÿ’ธ EthicalAds

EthicalAds (code) provides a way for developers and other creators of technical content to get paid for content creation, without using privacy invading advertisement tooling.

EthicalAds website

Except, it actually protects user privacy, especially when compared to other programs like AdSense. Where traditional advertising methods track user data and browsing habits, EthicalAds serves advertisements based on the context of the website or page, ensuring a non-intrusive and privacy-respecting user experience.

It really is that simple, and while you do have to get approved to be a publisher, the process is pretty painless!

The platform's core ethos is to provide relevant and engaging ads without exploiting personal data, addressing the rising demand for data privacy in the digital world.

EthicalAds supports the online ecosystem by sharing a portion of ad revenue with content creators and website owners. This model is particularly beneficial for open-source projects and creators who rely on such revenue streams. The platform also prides itself on its commitment to high-quality ads, avoiding any content that may be misleading, inappropriate, or excessively distracting. With its user-friendly design, easy integration, and detailed yet anonymous analytics, EthicalAds offers a fresh, ethical perspective on digital advertising.

This was originally posted on AWSM FOSS

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