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Discussion on: My first experience in Tailwind CSS 👩🏻‍💻

axmad386 profile image

No no no, you cannot compare them.
Tailwind is atomic css, is suitable when you write style based component, where you can reuse them. If you just create single page or just one component that you never reuse it, I think native css is better.
Bootstrap has many default component, it's better to use them when you create something like admin panel. If you one something more customizable, don't use bootsrap. Native css or tailwind is good to go.
I have my own thumbs of rule, you can agree or disagree.

  • If you write ready to use component, bootsrap is winner
  • If you want something customizable and you want to reuse your component many times, then tailwindcss is good choice
  • If you want something customizable but is verry rare to reuse it, then native css is wise choice

Just use the right tool on the right place

ivan_jrmc profile image
Ivan Jeremic

Nope tailwind is still better even for admin panel, with bootstrap everyone knows you used bootstrap. It's like McDonalds.

axmad386 profile image

Yeah, I agree. But, for short deadline and client don't care about the design, I prefer use customized ready to use framework css like Bootstrap. Except you wanna create from scratch all the tool like Modal, Alert, Dropdown, etc.

Tailwindcss is still better for custom design, I use it over time. I build my custom admin panel build with tailwind and svelte. It's pretty cool and fast. No jquery or bootstrap needed.

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ivan_jrmc profile image
Ivan Jeremic

You have tailwind-ui for that it lets you implement modals and so on very fast.

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d1p profile image
Debashis Dip

Costs money though. 😮‍💨
$279 is some Jr Software Engineers monthly salary where I live.

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ivan_jrmc profile image
Ivan Jeremic

I meant headless-ui sorry.