DEV Community

Ayan Ozturk
Ayan Ozturk

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PHP vs. Python: The Comeback Kid

PHP has come a long way, and it’s time to give it some credit. With PHP 8 and its JIT (Just-In-Time) compilation, PHP often outperforms Python in web application performance. Designed specifically for the web, PHP seamlessly integrates with HTML and has a rich ecosystem of frameworks like Laravel and Symfony.

Deployment is a breeze with PHP—upload your code, and you’re good to go. Python, while powerful, requires more setup with virtual environments and WSGI servers. PHP also boasts a massive user base and extensive resources, making it easy to find support.

Cost-effectiveness is another advantage. PHP is widely supported on shared hosting environments, making it a cheaper option compared to Python’s often higher hosting costs.

While Python excels in data science and machine learning, for pure web development, PHP’s recent improvements make it a robust, efficient, and cost-effective option. Let’s give PHP the recognition it deserves—sometimes, the underdog comes out on top.

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