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Chalk module in Node.js is the third-party module that is used for styling the format of text or create our own theme in the node.js project

for the in the mark 1 i learn about it and used in my program .

A small part of program is as follows :-

we can use even const and var as per our choice.


we have to first write the following code for importing the module
Now ,
var variable = require('readline-sync');

Using readline-sync helps us to get the user input later if we want in our program

eg:- In this program we want to check that the user is correct or not about the questions provided .

const chalk = require('chalk');

chalk is a variable here you can use any name as you want for the variable .

we have to import chalk module is used for providing the color for for the console.log() as we discussed earlier


here using the we can get the blue color for the console.log part as :-


We can use the chalk module as a variable also :-

Alt Text

We can use in the console.log() as :-

console.log(welcome('you are right! '));

console.log(warning('oops! its wrong'));
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

We will assign the score for the small CLI app game :-

Initially the score will be zero .


for last defining part we can use it with console.log as shown below :-


you can check the project on :-
thanks for giving your valuable time .

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