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is the connection between of billion client and server through wire and wireless network. The web client make requests
to web server. Let know who is client this question might be coming in your mind ?.let known client is how make request on web ,for example u have write on web a query that how to make cake this is request so u are the client and whereas who has answer your request he/she is the replier of the answer is called server. The servers is where all the data is already feeded by someone.

*Web Servers *#

is consist of both Hardware and software working together.

  • The Hardware used to store webserver software and website component file like html ,css ,JavaScript and etc.
  • where as Software side, it control how server control the user to accesses hosted file. webservers use protocol mean rule which predefined by the webservers software and most common one is Https: the protocol your browser uses to view webpages .

Their are two type of web serves#

  • static: server hosted same file has send as it is to your web browsers
  • dynamic: it update the hosted file before sending the content to the browser

*The Apache HTTP Server Project *#

is a collaborative software development effort aimed at creating a robust, commercial-grade,
free available source code implementation of an HTTP (Web) server. In February of 1995, the most popular server software on the Web was the public domain HTTP daemon developed by Rob McCool at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

*Live server *#

In vscode live server is give local environments for website development. It behaviour like dynamic serves.
It give an idea how go website behavior like to actual server.
live server extension have given so many option to explorer within it .


HTML is hyper text markup language .Basic building block of the Web. defines the meaning and structure of web content.
html first introduces as xhtml and rewrite as html .
every web browers have their own criteria for reddening web pages tags .
The first version of HTML was written by Tim Berners-Lee in 1993.
XML is a standard markup language that is used to create other markup languages. Hundreds of XML languages are in use today, including GML (Geography Markup Language), MathML, MusicML, and RSS (Really Simple Syndication).
1991- Tim Berners-Lee invents HTML 1.0
1993- HTML 1.0 is released. Not many developers are creating websites at this time.
1995- HTML 2.0 is published. This contains the features of HTML 1.0 plus new features. This remained the standard markup language for designing and creating websites until 1997.
1997- HTML 3.0 was invented. Here, Dave Raggett introduced a fresh draft on HTML, which improved new features of HTML and gave more powerful characteristics for webmasters in designing websites. Unfortunately, the powerful features slowed down the browser in applying further improvements.
1999- The widely-used HTML 4.0 comes out. It is very successful.
2014- HTML 5.0 is released and used worldwide. It is said to be the extended version of HTML 4.01 which was published in 2012
HTML have tags to describes web contents called elements
their are some element we are going to discuss
H1 tags -is used for give biggest heading secation is allocated by html.These elements only include the global attributes.
Heading information can be used by user agents to construct a table of contents for a document automatically.


Its is feature of emmet which help to generated texts is just lum sum text .
loemun can use any of flow contents.
we can control how many line of text we can use some of the example are given below :
loerum20- it will generated 20 word
loerum *20- it will gentrated 20 line of lumsum loerum.

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